Salutations Crazy,
Please lets not forget to render justice to all FC contributions recently falling into the IH domain.
Although HackerMan still behaves like his SJK units happen to provide an appropriate IH output
i do not, based on its limited IH output vs VapCap-style "susceptor" mass which needs to be reduced at least 5-fold, by the way. In other words the SJK/NoFlame devices are OKay with a 0.75 g susceptor IMHO, just not DynaVap's suite which wasn't designed for IH mode to begin with. As a matter of fact i kept reading about relay contacts failing under overload conditions, before i got banned over debating these matters while FC's trolls did their best to silence my input and discredit Egzoset the best they could.
Personally if i were into Portable
Hot Dry Air Ovenizers then i'd go for the new
Dr.Dabber SWITCH which seems to offer realistic features, finally. Just not really "Dry Herb" the way i do, most unfortunately: e.g. in "Micro-Bursting"/Self-Conditioned consumption mode. But FC guys wouldn't accept that neither...
Honestly, today there are alternative references where fanboyism ain't necessarily part of determining discussion criterias. M'well, also avoid VaporAsylum if you can: i was banned before i could write my intro... Which tells the reader about background imports between forum systems, etc.
Briefly put What You See Is Not always What You Get.
Still, should i ever need to power DynaVap's VapCap then i'd wait for reviews which combine it with a Dr.Dabber SWITCH, or StardustSailor's DIY proposal perhaps... Not to mention i'd like TWICE the IH output even better because that's likely to be required in some hypothetical future dry flower module supporting Inlet Water the way i hope for. But that's yet another story!...
The whole matter of IH-driven vaporization sure seems "sexy", wait for when IH output matches WorkLoad in Pulse Mode. Then you get a real eye-opener even in portable format...
Good day, have fun!!