Using well water

Gonna pop in here. I run RO due to high salt (300-450 ppm) salt in the water here....will lead to a salt buildup in the medium. When using salt based nutes, salt in the water most definitely affects nutrient uptake.
Well not the info I was hoping for...
I use mega crop also and just wondering if the sodium levels will affect my girls in promix hp.
Well not the info I was hoping for...
Sorry! Never had to use an RO system till I moved here in 12'.... but now i drink the ro as well. Gotta be able to drink it without holding your nose.
I am wondering if I can dilute my well water now with r-o or rain water to lower sodium levels.
You think i should reduce calmag in my mix?
///Should have paid attention in my chemistry class...
Maybe? The issue is really more this.
Only so much sodium can go in before issues. At the same time, plant requirements could end up higher than is being given due to the sodium....Sodium issues can pop up no matter what your water quality is, but, starting off with a higher level makes it that much more likely to rear up and bite.
I don't like flushing in soil for issues, but if she really was looking rough, I might flush with a lightly mixed feed of Ro or distilled... get plenty of runoff, and hopefully draw out the excesses.... I don't like flushing in soil at all. It's the last ditch fuck it thing as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather try and get the water sorted, and bring the sodium level down over the next several waterings.
Moving to RO has it's own issues, as it's been stripped of everything, bad & good, so never by itself, cal/mg at least. Distilled is the same.