Grow Mediums Using Airdomes the right way with AUTOPOTS

Root ball autopot xl no airdome there's a inch of hydroton their somewhere.

Any body have any issues with pH swing? I'm using sea grow bloom nutes, using soil as the medium, with a bottom layer of hydroton, and every day I have to pH up from 4.3 - 4.5! Any suggestions?
It seems to me we shouldn't use any kind of pebbles, etc in the bottom. there has been discussion on AFN recently about exactly this. So I have decided to question Auto Pots about their reasoning. Maybe they have a better answer, maybe they are just plain wrong and are assuming its a good practice!

Here is the email I just sent:
"I'm trying to fathom your reasoning for putting clay pebbles, etc in the bottom of the pot. doing so is contrary to the hydraulic movement of water.Water movement stops at the interface between differing mediums and resists further movement until overcome by gravity. It would seem to be even more of an issue when moving water against gravity.

I've used Modular Hydro's A.I.T ( Air Injection Technology ) unit in a 20 gallon pot or organic soil, with great results. Why not run straight medium ( soil, coco, etc ) in auto pots?"

Did you ever get a reply from them?
Root ball autopot xl no airdome there's a inch of hydroton their somewhere.

View attachment 576184

Here is a standard sized Autopot Root Ball when using an Airdome.... Just for comparison.


I also recommend using these >>> Autopot Socks <<< (click on the link) they work well and keep the roots under control and out of the valve assembly ! (they fit on the outside of the pot).

The black root control disk (the one you put inside the pot) is the same material as the "weed control material" sold in many Garden Centers, by the meter. A couple of meters is very cheap -just cut to size with a pair of scissors and it will make lots of disks, at very little cost,
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nope, they aren't very good at answering questions, and don't mention Cannabis to them either.............
Good to know. Although I usually claim tomato plants. LOL