Indoor Username's Prepetual Grow Journal

Dec 6, 2013
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forgive me in advance for long run on sentences with out punctuation.

Greetings again my AFN friends, alots happened since i last posted, but i can finally start my prepetual journal, i will be updating at least 3 times a week maybe more depending on growth patterns, if anyone recalls i had ordered seeds around the 1st week of december just got them now..... seeds were shipped out a few times customs helped themselves the first time and when its all said and done it set me back about a month, but ill still have time for breeding and seed germination for the greenhouse grow this spring. Now with that being said there are some new seed starts in my garden, alot of them are autos mixed in with photo plants,ive been veggin under 24 hrs 600wt mh and around 110w of side lighting, finished out the auto bubble very nicely i have some pics after the chop, i also have a plant im not sure about, for an auto its getting pretty big, i decided to bump it up to a bigger pot even, then it really exploded and i think it needs 12/12 or 18/6 for it to start flowering, it was a mixed pack from short stuff seeds (sss) from now on. I believe it may be a super auto that requires 90 days, but i could use some professional opinions. any how ill show you some pics of whats been going on and start the journal like i said this journal will have autos and photo period plants in one so if it needs to be moved please do.. Enjoy the show folks. stay growin!

auto bubble



a nice lil pile of fine smelling kind

just a few soil selections, with the tga i havent used any nutes in any of the plants the entire time/ with no signs of too much or too little feeding that i can tell, i will contine to use and mix these soils, i also have organic dry nutes i could add to the other soils. I start my seeds off in the roots orig just under the moist surface ever so slightly works like a charm :) I also give them an occasional shot of hibrix.

there is an auto afgan kush ryder in there the others are barneys farm lsd, vilator kush and others i will compile and entire list soon.

these girls are photo's , pineapple chunk, silver kush( smells amazing when rubbed), bubblegummer and one other.

this is the palnt in question random sss mix bag seed help plz...

seed stock single bag are freebies exceptmad cc bbg, those were my own male female cross i created so who knows it it will even pop , pollen was dj shorts cocoa kush, the female was a strain from a breeder lavatara which was called indigo flow x bubblegum (multiple in depth grows on this one done by me on udg become a member and pm me for more in depth details if your so inclined). The sss are all unsexed as are the lemon haze autos, for breeding and crossing.the blue mammoths are femmed autos from bf

yay free autos!

babies! basicaly half unsexed autos and half femmed photos
give them seeds some goodness

russian rocket fuel and blue himalaya diesel
auto assassin lemon haze auto

decied to try a cpl of my own seeds the rest are freebies

hopefully i have a good germ rate and will have another update shortly. thanks and stay tune everyone!
Your plants are looking great.The TGA mix is the first mix I have seen that actually tells you it is a pretty strong mix and recommends how to use it,and also recommends your lighting schedual for weed.
yea! ive been buying from our local hydro store for years now and one day he's like i got some new soil were giving away free bags did you get yours yet? a matter of fact i didn't lemme try it out. And let me tell you for just beginning to use this stuff it sure has been nice not having to use nutes, except for the occasional hibrix which was always in the regimen.
just a quick update, seeds are looking great and about half have pushed through the surface already, The Lemon haze autos seem to be the fastest germ rate. Other plants are bulking up, ive been thinking and may just start a few clones of the plants i have and drop them into some bubble buckets. My future goal is to do a side by side with a few femmed autos in dirt and hydro. Any advice about bumping the autos up, i was only going to do it once after a week or so into a 3 gal pots.

pineapple chunk- sativa-ish looking for an indica dominate strain.
been fairly productive the last few days bumped up all the plants, put autos in their homes, things are looking great, a few seeds are still going also chose to start a few more of the choch bbg.

a few seeds dint germ or got too wet, so i had to replace them watching these much closer.

just a random shot of a 600w MH , i turned on the 1k so the plants should love the extra light
this 1k has a heat spreader, more of a novelty item if you ask me... i also try to keep the inside and glass of my hoods impeccably clean.

grow big and strong!

the autos are in the bigger pots, their final home. photos are in the smaller pots.

aslo bumped up and inoculated with myco.

quick update, everything is going well, trying a few seeds of a strain that a friend has been hybridizing its a gogi berry x Rudeboy. The RRF and BHD have had less then stellar germ rates, everything else has been germing well, The blue mammoths seem to be growing the quickest.

More babies to the left

two new additions a late RRF and BHD decied to run these in a bigger pot same soil mix and everything just to see if it would help with yield down the road.3rd over from left (top)



Going to be a nice canopy!

little ones poppin
