Mephisto Genetics USA Store Opening Monday, September 6th

I didn't participate this week as I have all of these from prior drops. It sounds like there were some website errors having to do with the countdown clock and some checkout buttons. Hopefully everyone looking to check out was able to. Its 1.5 hours later and right now only two strains sold out. Hoping for another openning next Monday and perhaps some stuff that hasn't seen the light in 2021 yet.
Afternoon all. I too was not able to check out. Could not get the proceed to check out button to pop up. I had my alien and a few other items in my cart then jumped over to AFN and seem worth a gentleman had close to cart and opened it repeatedly. I followed his procedure and was able to get two of my orders but not my alien that I was after to begin with LOL
Hey all,

I apologize I was out of town during yesterdays drop, so I wasn't able to play damage control when the website had a hiccup. Here is a response from the team concerning the matter.

MephHeads Apology!

Guys, hand on hearts so sorry for how this went down.

From our dev: ‘There were two scripts that were clashing, the one that counts how many items are in the cart and the other that decides which cart button to show (the Checkout or Error button).’

It took us a bit of time to figure out, and it blows after last weeks silky buttery smooth short session.

We did fix it, and we left the store open until we reached our order limit for the week.

I know our dev now has egg on his face and not in a freaky good way, he’s now been indoctrinated into the Mephisto hair-loss program.

Our Mephisto packaging gnomes are already in action beavering away to get these orders fulfilled on the double.

Rest assured, anyone that made multiple orders to get what they wanted, we’ll take care of you.

Everyone else, see you next Monday for an extra greasy slippery slidey smooth drop.

The MG team. X
Five orders totaling $1074 and not a single order has shipped. Numerous emails to Stan and Ned without response. They blame the USPS for everything, while lots of people complain of the same thing. These people are just flaky.
Five orders totaling $1074 and not a single order has shipped. Numerous emails to Stan and Ned without response. They blame the USPS for everything, while lots of people complain of the same thing. These people are just flaky.

This issue has been covered several times now on other platforms, we have responded to you. Three of your orders are from this week so there is no reason to complain about those. Your other two are apart of the group of orders that were dropped off on the 11th but are just now being scanned in as others have reported.