Urgent help w sick leaves needed

Apr 21, 2022
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Hello my fellow growers!
Disclaimer: I am a very bloody beginner and I recently started growing three autoflowers in my basement (indoor).
I tried my best gathering as much knowledge as I can before I started germinating, but as you may know it is difficult to be prepared If you basically have no clue about what's excatly going on.
Coming to my problem: The two affected plants are Runtz Autos, I planted them in some BioBizz All-mix I had left from some garden works, later I realized it is too fertilized for young plants but they did not suffer from any nute burn so they were fine. They both are 31 daays old as of today, and both suffered from some over watering over the weeks of their growth. I have them under a fullspectrum LED which draws exactly 600W with both switches enabled. Two or three days ago, some brown spots appeared on one of the plants leaves, over the past days even more spots appeard all over the plant, lots of leaves are still unaffected though and I am completely clueless about what is going wrong here. I did not add any nutrients besides the fertilizer the soil already contained so I guess nutrient burn may not be the case. They just started to go into flower aswell since lots of white pistil appeared all over the plant overnight. I will add some photos of the plant aswell as the affected leaves. I hope you are way more experienced than I am and capable of helping me out a little bit. Sorry in advance for this probably frequently asked question, but judging your own plants needs over some random pictures in the web can be quite challenging.
I have another question in case the plant is not completely doomed, since I did not LST them the leaves got quite dense, since light improves bud quality I asked myself if there is a way I can allow more light to reach the inner leaves and bud sites, do you have any suggestions?

In case you need more pictures, feel free to ask, I have plenty.
Best regards, and thank you a lot!


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Welcome to afn!!! I'm new myself joined end of February. Look like n toxicity tips are curling. What type of water are you using? Do you test pH balance? Tds/ec ppm ect? And they look overwaterd. I'm going through some of this myself...feel free to look at my grow journal... And there is alot of knowledgeable people on here...you came to the right spot for sure....I'd say water less and only ph'd ro water if possible.....till the nutrients lower.....someone with more good advice will come soon...feel free to ask me anything......I'll point you in the right direction.....
Im not sure whats wrong but Ill tell you this that plant is not doomed and cut the leaves off that are blocking bud sites or tuck them to get them out the way.
Welcome to afn!!! I'm new myself joined end of February. Look like n toxicity tips are curling. What type of water are you using? Do you test pH balance? Tds/ec ppm ect? And they look overwaterd. I'm going through some of this myself...feel free to look at my grow journal... And there is alot of knowledgeable people on here...you came to the right spot for sure....I'd say water less and only ph'd ro water if possible.....till the nutrients lower.....someone with more good advice will come soon...feel free to ask me anything......I'll point you in the right direction.....
Thanks for your insight! Well I do not test ph since I do not own a device that is capable. I do kmow however that it might be a problem due to our water having a ph of around 7+. Might be too high I heard. N toxicity might be, but why would it show so late? I did not fert it the whole growing cycle in fear I could overdo it. Wouldn't it showed symptoms way earlier if the soil would be too hot?
Thanks anyway :)
Im not sure whats wrong but Ill tell you this that plant is not doomed and cut the leaves off that are blocking bud sites or tuck them to get them out the way.
Alright I'll try to tuck them away a little. There are many leaves and since I did not LST there basically is only one main cola. Although I am positively surprised that there seem to be a lots of branches coming up to seek for light. I just adjusted the light so the top leaves do not get burned. They looked way brighter than the rest today.
Alright I'll try to tuck them away a little. There are many leaves and since I did not LST there basically is only one main cola. Although I am positively surprised that there seem to be a lots of branches coming up to seek for light. I just adjusted the light so the top leaves do not get burned. They looked way brighter than the rest today.

im no expert but I just cut the leaves off blocking the sites. Maybe even some bud site early on if i know they wont produce anything worth it. More energy to the other ones that way.
Thanks for your insight! Well I do not test ph since I do not own a device that is capable. I do kmow however that it might be a problem due to our water having a ph of around 7+. Might be too high I heard. N toxicity might be, but why would it show so late? I did not fert it the whole growing cycle in fear I could overdo it. Wouldn't it showed symptoms way earlier if the soil would be too hot?
Thanks anyway :)
True I'm not sure myself what's wrong just by pics and what I've read.....but I do know bad water can ruin a plant...and someone should be able to help more then me......
I truly hope that someone can provide me some additional info aswell. It would be a real shame to lose them to some unknown shit. By the way a probably important info:
I have another plant same age right next to the sick leaved plant, she has no similar leave symptoms at all. Just some light burn which is recovering right now. I am watering both plants with the same water.
I truly hope that someone can provide me some additional info aswell. It would be a real shame to lose them to some unknown shit. By the way a probably important info:
I have another plant same age right next to the sick leaved plant, she has no similar leave symptoms at all. Just some light burn which is recovering right now. I am watering both plants with the same water.
Ya I'm having same issues with my flowering plants I was watering to much by something I read 1.5 l a day...so I'm letting dry out and give a good feed cause I'm sure I flushed them all out I'm giving you info they gave me cause I'm in your shoes I've been doing great till I up'd the watering.....don't always do what you read...I was told to listen to them....they will definitely let you know....
Ya I'm having same issues with my flowering plants I was watering to much by something I read 1.5 l a day...so I'm letting dry out and give a good feed cause I'm sure I flushed them all out I'm giving you info they gave me cause I'm in your shoes I've been doing great till I up'd the watering.....don't always do what you read...I was told to listen to them....they will definitely let you know....View attachment 1448918View attachment 1448919
Yeah I am not sure If it really is overwatering on my end. I suspect it is something involving nutrients or PH. Maybe wrong ph even causes nute lockout. Since I have no way to figure out the ph though, I cannot adjust because I do not know if it is too high and how high it is. I hope the plant will be able to live through this.