DIY Urgent help runoff In 2x2

The pot elevators are stupid expensive online but I found a place online that charged a normal price with low shipping. Last time I needed some they were sold out locally. I’ll see if I can find the link.

I just use a shop vac to suck up runoff. I have a couple of them. But the one I use for my runoff is a little handheld craftsman 3 gallon, or maybe it’s 2 gallon? It was $20 at lowes. YMMV on the price but it saved my sanity.

EDIT - craftsman 3 gallon.
The pot elevators are stupid expensive online but I found a place online that charged a normal price with low shipping. Last time I needed some they were sold out locally. I’ll see if I can find the link.

I just use a shop vac to suck up runoff. I have a couple of them. But the one I use for my runoff is a little handheld craftsman 3 gallon, or maybe it’s 2 gallon? It was $20 at lowes. YMMV on the price but it saved my sanity.

EDIT - craftsman 3 gallon.
I am working on letting the tent do some work alone,but It Is difficult because once I do a dripping circuit I cannot change It,I would use a new pipe and start over.
I use a 2.5 x 4 tray thats for a dog crate.
Then I set shelves off an old fridge ontop of that.
Trays at a slight angle and theres a hole in the corner of the tray for the runoff to drain away,