New Grower Upside down plant grow!!!!

Would this be a fun competition possibly?

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Aug 23, 2015
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Has anyone tried to grow a plant upside down? kind of like those tomato pots you used to see on commercials???? Lol......just curious.... Maybe we could get someone to throw a competition or something. Lol
Lol I've seen a few of the hanging tomato sack grows and they're pretty amusing! They seem to always right themselves anyway, at least under the sun or light source and there are issues with runoff nutrient water on/in the buds if your not careful. Might do really well with some of the more lanky, viney strains.
I would love to see it perfected though, seems you could add a ceiling section to any vertical scrog setup and with the light source below the bag they might grow pretty normally...?
Well you would easier have room to put lights on the floor of your growing area and sides as opposed to above.... Like you said I don't think it will increase or do anything spectacular but look cool maybe lol put a nice hole for the trunk in the bottom of a cheaper plastic bucket, get your mediums and stuff prepped and plant the sucker in there lol. I sow the bean directly into its final medium and let it do it's thing so this would work well for me... Would b easier to do outside lol I grow in a tent and only on my first grow. Just a few weeks from my first harvest :) but I thought it would b fun maybe... Though I'm too poor to offer anything but rep to a winner... And even that isn't much haha
I dont know why i would ever grow upside down but it would be interesting to do. Gravitational forces effect things differently, next lets grow cannabis in space!