Indoor Unhappy first time grower

Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. I went down to check on the remaining two and you guessed it one of them has balls. I'm not even going to take pics, I know they're bastards.

I just thought of something. The first two days these guys first sprouted I had a problem with the timer for my light so there was a lot of on and off with the light while I fixed the problem. Could this have been enough to stress them to the point to turn male?
could definetly have been a fator... any stress you provide gives them the ability to go male or flower faster etc etc...
i have bought hundreds of feminized seeds from doc greenthumb and have never had a male or hermie plant.
hermies and males in fem'd seeds are sign or poor breeding
Thanks chemdog. I have some pics, they're not the greatest but could you guys let me know your opinions on if they're male or female?
That's what I thought. Out of 6 planted fem seeds 4 have been males and 1 didn't sprout. Waiting on the last one to show definite signs. This is so fucked up. Is there anything I could have done wrong to make 4 feminised seeds turn male? I have 5 seedlings in the room right now that are 7 days old. Should I worry about them getting pollinated or are they too young?
Male 100% sure
If you don't see any white hairs they won't get pollinated.

Stress/Feeding to early/Ferted soil can all increase male ratios.
yeah my guess is ferts too early
They didn't get their first feeding until day 17 which some said was too late. Unless you count the small bit of superthrive as feeding. The Pro-Mix BX doesn't have ferts right?
I dunno abt the promix... but superthrive (I think) is almost def a nute... and that could do it... I would think femmed seeds would have yielded a few fems at least though... strange