Outdoor Uncle Eek's Cabin

Very cool cabin, Penguin! You guys will be snug & comfy in years to come...

Love all those cords of wood. Looks all ready for winter... Very homey home! I like. :cool1:
:welcome: to Everyone.

I thought it appropriate to start a new thread for the new Cabin.

For those who don't know, we lost everything we owned in the Butte Fire in California. I am not going to go into detail about what happened. This thread will be about our future, and the New Cabin. In fact as far as cabin's go, this one we are in now is more like a real American type cabin the our previous one, especially in appearance. If you wish to catch up on how we got here, you can read "The Cabin" here: Link to the ol' Cabin.

So with mine and Roots bootstraps all pulled up, and the road ahead of us, we want to show you the new cabin. It will have a new airtight wood stove soon, so the pics show the old stove. Also, it is looking more like us everyday thanks to Root and her eagerness to make us a new home. It is coming together well I would say. With Us and our teenage boy, we have a lot of room to kick back and smoke a fat one (in case you were wondering). :biggrin:

So hear are a few pics of the Cabin up to now. We have been here now 16 days

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Hi you two. I didn't know what happened to you. I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been busy and have not been here. If you guys need anything hit me up. I didn't know you lived so close to me. I know so many people who lost there homes here and glad to see your up and running and found a new home. Much love to you and your family Eek. Peace
Hi Rick, I thought you lived relatively close to us.

Several of our friends lost their homes too, most of them are rebuilding.
I haven't been able to get over there for a while...still hurts to see the devastation, but with the rain we have gotten there is green covering some of the charred remains.

We are really lucky to be in a house...we are warm and dry, but there is no growing here. I'd like to have a new cabin by March :smoking:where we can grow outside again!

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and words.