Outdoor Uncle Eek's Cabin

I agree on the Eek's lineup. I used their olive leaf caps and they were the most potent I have found. Really good quality. My wife loved their rubs but I can't keep her on one thing for more than a week. She seems to have ADHD when it comes to ointments, as soon as she sees something different it is on to it.

Looking good in their Root and Eek! That lineup seems to suit y'alls growing style very well. Plants are responding real well. Best wishes for continued success. :pass:
I agree on the Eek's lineup. I used their olive leaf caps and they were the most potent I have found. Really good quality. My wife loved their rubs but I can't keep her on one thing for more than a week. She seems to have ADHD when it comes to ointments, as soon as she sees something different it is on to it.

Looking good in their Root and Eek! That lineup seems to suit y'alls growing style very well. Plants are responding real well. Best wishes for continued success. :pass:

Thanks A4, glad you approve. Not doing so bad for coco nuts.

I have to give Root a lot of the credit, she does most of the labor and mixing, etc. Also the last couple of weeks she has had major dental surgery, and still gets stuff done. She is my idol.

A couple of side projects.
@trailanimal They are growing like weeds!
Glad you like the products...how is Sharon's BCC?

@Waira We have blue sky and 60 degrees. Glad to have the much needed water works this year, but just as happy to see it stop!

I am liking the Remo Nutrients so far, green healthy plants...
Two 2fast 2Vast in the big pot have about a month more to go. Pictures don't do them justice, they are super bushy with lots of budsites!
The White Jem triplets are in a friendly competition for the light, I have to keep tucking leaves. Hoping the tall one will be male.

It's good therapy to be growing again. :greenthumb:
I'll send a photo of the bcc, via pm
hey brother eeekerman hows things other than ok?! ;) just wanted to say hey,stuff is looking good as per usual. wanted to say I looked at your site in rubs n the like. and WOW you guys have gotten a nice web page and stuffs. ill be placing an order soonest again. awesome stuff. like to try your mag rubs and wound stuff and a few other things too actually. beautiful stuff. love the new web page too bro! cheers my friend and wishing you guys well out there :)
medi mag rocks on wear and tare!
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Thanks A4, glad you approve. Not doing so bad for coco nuts.

I have to give Root a lot of the credit, she does most of the labor and mixing, etc. Also the last couple of weeks she has had major dental surgery, and still gets stuff done. She is my idol.

A couple of side projects.
love those plants, no tip burn!
yeah,Im gonna look into mag rub,olive caps and a cpl other things if I can get em. :) just been stupid busy. but finally got the few dollars and a little time.so ill be calling to see whats what soonest. Thanks for all the heads up on how great they are. heard stellar things from several ppl i respect ,and their opinions on products. cuz I need stuff that works HARD lol me muscles arent enjoying life much these days.LOL! haven'nt forgotten at all. pain keeps reminding me. just been broke. but In not AS broke. so ill be ordering some stuff most assuredly :)
Hello @Eekman and @Root. I realise you don't know me but just stumbled upon this thread and really enjoyed it. Glad to see you are back on track after your bad luck.

What a wonderful life you seem to have. I hanker after something similar but am trapped in Poopsville lol.

Also Lovely doggies you have. I also have a Marley, but she is a Snow Bengal cat. From what I've seen here, she is similarly nosey and full of it like your Marley! Inquisitive animals full of life are just awesome.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi. Good luck with growing some babies for you all to enjoy :hookah: :vibe: :pass:
Thanks for stopping by @hippy71

The pets are great! More like part of the family. Just realized there are no pictures of Marley's twin brother, Wall-e.
IMG_0696 (1).JPG

When they were babies, they were inseparable.
IMG_0028 (2).JPG

They have grown up together as brother and sister



Would Love to see a picture of your Snow Bengal!
Oh my goodness Wall-e is gorgeous! Beautiful. I am the same as you, my cats are truly part of the family. In fact they are the family most of the time! I literally see them as my equal, odd as that may seem to some [emoji3]

This is my absolute baby Marley / Marls.




Her son Peanut / Big Boy. He's a giant.


And daughter Bezbo. She's an utter tart and the most lovely creature on the planet [emoji3]



Sorry but I can't get enough of animals!

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