Outdoor UK summer back yard grow

And another :lol::rolleyes2: sorry for the spam ! She's just sooo pretty !
:smoking: thankyou !
No problem, that's what forums and weed is all about, sharing the knowledge, helping others grow (pun intended) and think of solutions to others problems not just your own, but yeah under cover (poly) and some fans and bud rot should stay well away, I'm investing in some proper big pedestal room fans maybe 2 40 inchers or something rather than having to trip over 20 million little fans haha!
The companion planting is great :biggrin::d5:if you can manage to plant Basil in the soil next to your plants you'll be amazed at how Sticky they get as Basil increases Oil & Resin production of neighbouring plants :eyebrows:

Great idea! I'd love to except....when I have basil In pots in my polytunnel it grows sooooo slowly due to it wanting high temps, and it usually dies back before everything else too. I have to keep basil indoors by our south facing living room window and even then it grows slow as fuck, outside it just starts to die :/ ... The autoflowers well hell my NL crosses have shrugged off 8 degree nights this week and grow fine in our climate but basil just won't have it it seems :(
Great idea! I'd love to except....when I have basil In pots in my polytunnel it grows sooooo slowly due to it wanting high temps, and it usually dies back before everything else too. I have to keep basil indoors by our south facing living room window and even then it grows slow as fuck, outside it just starts to die :/ ... The autoflowers well hell my NL crosses have shrugged off 8 degree nights this week and grow fine in our climate but basil just won't have it it seems :(

This tropical weather we are having have kept the outdoor Basil alive even if it survived a couple weeks during flowering you can see the difference as there are 15 autos in the garden and the Stickiest by far are the ones sharing with Basil , said i'd give it a go after reading about it and wow it was amazing ha. There are other herbs which increase oil such as Chamomile and even ones which may increase Yield such as Oregano
This tropical weather we are having have kept the outdoor Basil alive even if it survived a couple weeks during flowering you can see the difference as there are 15 autos in the garden and the Stickiest by far are the ones sharing with Basil , said i'd give it a go after reading about it and wow it was amazing ha. There are other herbs which increase oil such as Chamomile and even ones which may increase Yield such as Oregano

Do these companion plants that increase resin and yield outputs need to be in the soil with the weed plant sharing the same root space? Or does it work by general proximity whereby separate pots nets the same results?
Do these companion plants that increase resin and yield outputs need to be in the soil with the weed plant sharing the same root space? Or does it work by general proximity whereby separate pots nets the same results?
Yes would like to know this too as I have loads of herbs in the garden at the moment !
Another haircut this morning for G... Just need to clear up the bottom next week and then we're all good !


Update on the dream'matic, she's a week behind the NL so looks like Ive successfully managed to prolong veg ! She's really leggy so still in the stretch, showing no preflowers yet just hairs.

And the peyote photo... Her fans are massive and she's doing amazing after her topping


My yard is a jungle atm hah
Ideally you would plant them together sharing soil as the herbs increase the health of the soil and release nutrients etc , but even having them close by will attract beneficial insects and deter pests and benefit them in that way. You would be amazed at some of the benefits from different herbs some are great fertilizers and supply your plant with plenty of nutrients , you can mimic a optimum ecosystem for the plants to thrive in. Even Stinging Nettle increases oil production :biggrin: @Gardengirl @Futurebreeze here is a link https://www.google.ie/amp/ilovegrowingmarijuana.com/cannabis-companion-planting/amp/
Stinging nettles also make a good liquid feed for veg and if you can find comfrey it makes a great feed liquid feed for bloom. I grow bocking14 comfrey in my garden as it's sterile so it doesn't take over . Red and white clovers are great in the pot as they keep the soil moist and hold nitrogen