Any way u can start two to be safe. Shit topping it might get it to go. It’s kinda late but my thought cut the mutant sucking weird energy and let whatever nodes r there grow. Like a kick in the ass
Just topped it to see what would happen. I already have 5 plants in my space but hopefully in a month one will be done and then in 1.5 months 3 more including the Tyrone special will be done then after that the baby 24 carat who was born a few days ago. But the hope is to get the dwc plant going... might as well experiment. Who knows... I do like a nice bush though.
Giving the plant a week just in the rare case that it pulls through. As i said, I topped it. Here's what she looks like.

She might run ya 80-90 days with the slow start but she may come around and produce a little more then we thought. Wish we had noticed the mutant top earlier I would’ve suggested it earlier. Fingers crossed. And a lesson learned(if it works) if a plant ever seems to stall and your ready to cull it, top it and give it a few days.