Show Grows 2023 Twenty20 Tier-2 Auto Debut Grow & Show

Where do you think your PH is off? High or low?
Soil ph has been riding high at 7.2ish been feeding proper input, but reading back on my old grow I had to feed more like 5.5 to get the last bed in-line initially then it was smooth sailing at regular inputs. I’ve fed once at 6.0 and saw the soil Ph react with a lowering and it creeped back up by next watering so I went with a 5.5 this time. The bed is only using 2 gallons every 2 days though so it’s taking time to adjust via waterings. A lot of wicking of water from the natural aquifer below and that water table may have higher ph. Thinking my best bet is to adjust the soil, one idea is with some sulphur. I have some organic approved granular sulphur for my blueberries but don’t want to get an excess/deficiency from its use so taking that plan easy and slow. Added some granular humic acid soil conditioner(roots organic essential earth) which doesn’t lower Ph but I guess helps in some magical way. Here is the soil ph this morning it creeped back up again. Honestly not that worried about it but more of explaining what I’m seeing and how the plant is reacting to the environment I’ve offered it. Strawberries N Funk seems to be most resistant to off ph, chiclit is very sensitive and yellowing, calibubba is also sensitive but not as bad as chiclit and strawberry biscotti is moderately affected.
My best plant this grow (my watering in the regular pots has been shit and soil to compacted :wall: )
Strawberry n Funk Day 30 and she just showed her lady parts

The straw biscotti and chic lit are way too small, my watering was way off unfortunately ( in that
early flower
Here's the girls at 5 weeks old. All are flowering now, and running out of room. I'm going to add another shelf. Running (5) 100w LED boards. I just upped the MegaCrop 1-part to 5g/GL. From L to R, Strawberries & Funk, CaliBubba, ChicLit, Strawberry Biscotti:

Here are closeups in the same order: [edit: my pH might have been a little low, I recalibrated last night.]
SF.1_day35.jpg CB.1_day35.jpg
CL.1_day35.jpg SB.1_day35.jpg
I have had such poopy luck with Strawberry Biscotti! The first was a no show!
The second one popped fine, but had a helmet head. I gave her about 6 hours after popping the surface before I easily took off the helmet head. Well it's been off 24 hours and she refuses to unfurl. :face:
I guess three times is gonna be the trick ......................I hope!

Baby Chic-lit is trucking along great!.......................Knows Candy iz gittin' it on!:eyebrows::headbang:

edit....................... Replacement Vidamints should be in the mail today. I'll drop replacements at the same time
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Week 3 Report, Day 21 - Strawberry Biscotti Auto, Strawberries n Funk, CaliBubba Auto F2, Chic-lit F5 Auto

showed sex on day 15 and Strawberries n Funk was around day 16. I'm not sure what day the other 2 showed sex but a few days ago (day 17-19) i noticed pistils on everyone, i was just waiting on my weekly report :thumbsup:

I moved everyone from the tiny 2x4 tent to a bigger 4x4 tent and added the 1st net for support and to spread them out, i'm tired of support sticks not being as good as nets so net it is! I also hooked up all the autovalves and filled up the res with 4g per gallon of megacrop ph'd to 6.1, no leaks and all valves are feeding each pot perfectly.

CaliBubba Auto F2

Chic-lit F5 Auto
(runts of the tent)

Strawberries n Funk

Strawberry Biscotti Auto

See y'all next week, hope chic-lit catches up or i may have to remove it from this tent and give it a 2.3x2.3 tent so it can get the perfect amount of light and not be towered over on.
Day 40 Updated my early flower post. Damn these plants are getting big it’s unreal!
Calibubba just keeps growing up, maybe the tallest indoor plant I’ve grown

Strawberries N Funk not far behind

Light came on at 4 is why the leaves aren’t praying in case you notice
Huge! Curious, day 40 from soak, sprout or soil emergence ?
Thanks, Seeds were sowed 43 days and 13 hours ago(July 31st at 2:09pm my countdown app says). The counts that I post are from sprout/soil emergence so day 41 now (8/3/23 5:00am is my first pic I have) the day counting apps get confusing seems like there should be 3 days between those numbers:shrug:
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You sneaky thing, you! Strawberry Biscotti :naughtystep:

Gonna call her birthday!
I guess there was a thin inner membrane that had the first leaves held together. I came in and checked the pot and I saw a slight tint of green. Closer examination revealed the first real leaves were trying to come out. This was forcing the leaves apart and I could see the membrane. I pulled it off fairly easily. In about 20 minutes, she was opened up. I've already dropped the other seed, So I'm gonna potter up in a three gallon pot and set her in the 4x4. The tray will just fit. I'll probably have to make a stand for it or a couple.
Well, I just planted the last seed for this grow. The extra Strawberry Biscotti I put in the water yesterday, is now planted.
I'm gonna do a little bit something different with this Rain Science three gallon bag.

I'm pretty sure I've got all the amendments covered very well to run her organically and make a pretty dang good showing of her. As you can see I left enough room for quite a bit of amendments.
I've got some more bricks if I need to raise her up any further once the other girls hit their stride in the big pots.
I think her getting covered up is probably gonna be about the biggest problem I'm gonna have with her. Hopefully I can get around that.