Show Grows 2023 Twenty20 Mendocino Spring 2023 Grow & Show

I dropped my Bubble Tricks in water the night they arrived. Then into peat pucks the next morning and three days later we have 2 out of 4 sprouts.


I went ahead and put them in 3 gallon pots of soil. I have 4 different soils: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, Roots Organic Lush, Fox Farm Happy Frog, and Coots kit soil.



We should see the other 2 sprouts soon, but I'm counting this as Day 1 for the grow.

One more up this morning and another about to flip up.


This will also be the start of my new perpetual thread:

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Well i waited a whole extra day for 2 of double bubble's sisters to pop up but they must be taking longer to come up >.< so i'm calling today day 1 on both strains, if the other 2 pop up late i'll still grow them out but i'm not adjusting times for them, i'm sure they will catch up lol i do plenty of orgy pots to know they all catch up by flower stage if they are only 5-10 days apart from sprout

my germ method: rain water, pinch of tm-7 and few drops of h202 2 days later tails.

i see now that 2 of double bubble's seeds had little tails so they must be a day behind which explains why only 1 has sprouted so far


Day 1 ~4/27/2023

all 3 of Bubble Tricks are doing great
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What up y’all last night I dropped a bean into warm water (I dropped two lol the first one while turning off my Xbox I tipped the cup and there went the seed and water :rofl: ) View attachment 1587906
That's what ya get for having an Xbox!:haha:
I had three sitting in 2 tiny solo cups on my PlayStation and they got planted fine.:woohoo:
That's what ya get for having an Xbox!:haha:
I had three sitting in 2 tiny solo cups on my PlayStation and they got planted fine.:woohoo:
Ha, touché! I’m an Xbox guy myself, though I only just realized it would be a good spot to germinate :haha::doh:
We have LIFE! All have popped up and will go to final pots tomorrow (after some prep) and added to the auto tent!

One still has a helmet. Will be GENTLY removed this afternoon.
We have LIFE! All have popped up and will go to final pots tomorrow (after some prep) and added to the auto tent!View attachment 1588058
One still has a helmet. Will be GENTLY removed this afternoon.
I've never used that sort to sprout seeds. The advantage is being able to use a heat pad to quicken sprout. So as soon as it sprouts, ya take the covering and plant?.