twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino - Sparkle Face

Far delayed update: Current day count: 90

Well veg isn't very interesting is it? So I stopped updating as the plant was just growing. I flipped the light schedule to 12/12 ~2 weeks ago. Wow. These Twenty20 jump right to flowering no problem.

@Cerebral Goo - Current coco/Jacks nutrient stuff

Nutrient changeover: I ran a transition "week" on nutrients. The first 3 days leading up to the flip I ran the Jacks A/B/Epsom with the Jacks Bloom product. 2g/gallon of each.

Once the light schedule was changed: then for 10 days I ran just the Jacks Bloom.

I next mixed a batch of 80% strength which lasted 3 days. Since then the plant has been back to full strength feeds.

Current feed: ~23-25ppm silica (for pH buffering into 4 gallons RO water)
Per gallon -
3.6g part A
2.4g part B
1.3g Epsom salt

Totals: 14.4g A, 9.6g B, 5.2g Epsom - Comes out to ~800ppm and holds a steady 6.0pH

So I think I am in a bit of trouble. This plant is in a 1.5gallon pot of coco. It takes up the entire 4x4 from wall to wall.

@elcoloan : My hands and shoulders will die trimming this one by the time it's done. I'll let you know if I pick up a bowl trimmer.

@St. Tom - Thank you for turning me on to growing in coco. Look what has happened! A monster! Not an auto but really liking the ease of coco at this point.

Not very even on the canopy. A lot of the branches slipped their tie downs and I could not reach the ones in the back to pull them into place. Ah well, a couple tall ones here and there.


The small pot.


That's the progress so far. Thanks for looking.
Far delayed update: Current day count: 90

Well veg isn't very interesting is it? So I stopped updating as the plant was just growing. I flipped the light schedule to 12/12 ~2 weeks ago. Wow. These Twenty20 jump right to flowering no problem.

@Cerebral Goo - Current coco/Jacks nutrient stuff

Nutrient changeover: I ran a transition "week" on nutrients. The first 3 days leading up to the flip I ran the Jacks A/B/Epsom with the Jacks Bloom product. 2g/gallon of each.

Once the light schedule was changed: then for 10 days I ran just the Jacks Bloom.

I next mixed a batch of 80% strength which lasted 3 days. Since then the plant has been back to full strength feeds.

Current feed: ~23-25ppm silica (for pH buffering into 4 gallons RO water)
Per gallon -
3.6g part A
2.4g part B
1.3g Epsom salt

Totals: 14.4g A, 9.6g B, 5.2g Epsom - Comes out to ~800ppm and holds a steady 6.0pH

So I think I am in a bit of trouble. This plant is in a 1.5gallon pot of coco. It takes up the entire 4x4 from wall to wall.

@elcoloan : My hands and shoulders will die trimming this one by the time it's done. I'll let you know if I pick up a bowl trimmer.

@St. Tom - Thank you for turning me on to growing in coco. Look what has happened! A monster! Not an auto but really liking the ease of coco at this point.

Not very even on the canopy. A lot of the branches slipped their tie downs and I could not reach the ones in the back to pull them into place. Ah well, a couple tall ones here and there.
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The small pot.

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That's the progress so far. Thanks for looking.

I meant to tag you in my post yesterday, but spaced it out. Damn stoners! :face:.That's a big girl you got there! Mine a gruising along at the nute levels mentioned. The only thing I neglected to mention was that I flush a little every week and run a gallon of Ph'd water with 50 ppm per gallonat 6.0. In coco as well.

I don't have any threads going as i'm on LS and breeding threads with my available time. Will start some selfing and breeding later this year and do threads on those. Looks like you're ladies are doin great and will follow your schedule as I will be doin photos next round.

Thanks again and Happy Growing!!!
Chop day! : Day 140 - Week 8 Day 7 of flowering time.

There is not much information on this strain out there at all. It was a complimentary limited edition seed with an order. I asked @Twenty20 Adam what "Sparkle Face" consisted of strain wise.

He said: Sparkleface is Snowcaine x The Spice. It's got great mold resistance properties. The smell is mostly gas and citrus.

I ran 11 weeks in veg before flipping the light schedule. Flowering times for the parent strains were 8-10 weeks. I cut the plant today on day 140, Week 8 Day 7 of flowering time.

Pics: This plant is wall to wall, front to back, in a 4x4 space. It did not get terribly tall and the stretch into flowering was minimal. Almost 9 weeks of flowering time and barely a crispy yellow leaf to be seen. I did get a bit of tip burn but pedal to the metal!






I had to go get the hedgie loppers to finish this one.



These stems were so thick they had a straw down the middle.


To be continued below, picture limit and all that....
Chopped and hung: I got the clothes hanger idea from @derek420colorado . Solid idea, thank you Derek! I took most of the fan leaves that I could. I was quite tired after this battle.

The circulator fans pop on and off several times a day and the exhaust/filter is running off the ACinfinity controller to maintain temp and humidity. (it is completely dark in there. Light is just on for pics)




I don't know how anyone reuses coco! I was nearly at power tools trying to break up this root ball. The root density is so high I can barely pull it apart.



Still had to figure out how to rescue my watering halo! A couple cuts and it was off.


Thanks for taking a peek. I'll hopefully remember to update with a final weight in a few weeks.
Weight update: Finally dried, trimmed, and bagged for curing. Ended up with 763g total. Holy cannoli, 27ish ounces or just around 1.68 pounds.

Bagged things up a bit differently. Set some aside for the vaporizer, some for edibles, and another portion for experimenting making hash and other canna things.

Been a fantastic run and the final weight was a very pleasant surprise. I haven't a nose worth a darn but I swear this one smells like eggnog!

Found one of my missing memory cards! I knew I had taken trichome pics before cutting. I still have one floating about in the grow space with some nice bud shots on it. I hope to find it in the coming days. I'll update with more pictures if I do.

Trichome shots: @Twenty20 Adam - I see that you are now offering Sparkle Face as an official strain! Wonderful plant.

For anyone else growing this strain, flowering suggestion was 8-10 weeks. This was the result of waiting a full 8 weeks of flowering time. 8 weeks 7 days. The next day would have been the start of week 9.




