twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino 2021 Grow&show

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Just a note: A lot of you guys have A LOT more knowledge and experience growing autos than me. We covered a few podcasts talking about our experience and observations with autos and trying to get the message to the masses so please don't crucify me if I said something you don't agree with :hippy:
have no fear adam we are a friendly bunch here i think you have done a great job explaining things from your perspective :d5:and very rare to get insight from the actual breeder of the strains i have been eye humping your catalog extensively :muahaha:almost narrowed it down to make a choice :rofl: but your haven't made it easy
so little space so many seeds :crying:
St. Tom - update #1 complete
big thanks to @Twenty20 Adam for the seeds anyhow they have both sprouted I'm also maybe going to run 1 solo and 1 big airpot. the strains are glue sniffer and snow g anyhow here's my germ pic @Trichome farmer





2nd update I restarted another snow g and the glue sniffer also is coming along great now





Weekly update sadly both my snow g didn't make it they were very badly mutated and I'm going to try another seed see how I get on but at least I have the glue sniffer now potted up in the 15ltr airpot she's at day 9 I think also the lights on pic in 3 was the day before




Day 13 glue sniffer I've only got 2 snow g seeds left but the ones I did try and grow were really bad mutants but I'm happy I've got this girl in a good place but I did want to do a solo cup or 2 to go with the seedstocker grow and show



weekly update on my glue sniffer I'm also going to try my last 2 snow g so fingers crossed anyhow she's on veg feed at 1.0 EC also top or not to top



Day 26 for my glue sniffer I will get her out of the tent for some better pics tomorrow and soon she will have the whole tent to herself as my others are just approaching harvest


weekly update my glue sniffer is at day 32 and looks in superb shape also shes got lots of room to stretch her legs also i started my last 2 snow g seeds one didn't germ so i put her in the solo cup with the one who did and low and behold i have 2 in 1 cup so these both will be going in a 15 litre airport I also got the same funny leaf mutation but she seems to be growing fine now





Day 34 glue sniffer



Pics update today my glue sniffer started flower nutes also my snow g has started taking off so I'm in a good place at day 40 and day 15 @Twenty20 Adam



day 44 of my glue sniffer im so happy with her shes now enjoying life on the flower food also her sister strain in the other airport is coming into her own
now at day 18 and adam I'm so glad I persevered with them as there are 2 plants in that snow g pot


Not an official or essential update but I wanted to show my in 1 pot girls there both snow g also my big glue sniffer auto but she's a lot older





Day 52 for my glue sniffer she's coasting along and she's very healthy also the snow g the girl with 2 plants in 1 pot is approaching week 4 so the stretch will be anytime now also big thanks to @Twenty20 Adam and @420Forever for running the show




Update lights out here's my glue sniffer day day 59 I think also my snow g approaching week 5 she's the girl with 2 in one pot but if you look at the 2nd one at the edges she has the same mutation leaves like all the other seedlings I tried but least I got 1 good plant and she's thriving @Twenty20 Adam what are your thoughts




glue sniffer flower pics




Few pics from this evening the snow g has exploded now at day 38 also the glue sniffer is at week 9 today


Day 71 lights out pics of my glue sniffer she's a great frosty lady and she's going to finish off the next 10 days under a hour of uvb light a day .also her sibling sour g is 46 days old and is going to be a huge girl and a very impressive girl also big thanks to @Twenty20 Adam for letting me be one of the first to grow both of these strains they were well worth the wait







Different type of update today first the snow g
Then her beautiful grow buddy my glue sniffer at day 72

choperoo day yay :pass::bong:
Weekly update the glue sniffer is 79 days old today so will be harvested tonight I thinned her out to get some good pics as with all the leaves I couldn't show her full beautiful colas and boy is she stacked and there rock solid buds so super impressed with it and thanks @Twenty20 Adam for letting me be the first to grow her also her sibling the snow g at day 54 she's going to be huge and she's in the last pic









more snow g today

my glue sniffer harvest is here its all dry ready to cure in my grove bags and another big thanks to @Twenty20 Adam







Day 68 for the snow g she may not be the prettiest of girls but shes still flying along i also i flushed her a little late so the leaves never went back to fully green so the stripes are there to stay .i also had to use stakes to stop her front branches toppling over so shes gonna have huge colas and even better if i give her time as ive read thes can to 85 to 95 days







Weekly update .and Morning folks and heres my snow g shes been a very unique lady but heres the funny think when i started her i had a very weak seedling i put in with her and as she grew i chopped all of her besides the main top as she looked scraggy .anyway fast forward now to say from day 55 to now day 72 and ive been losing colour in my leaves and getting striping even after a flush so i got her out today to tidy her up and looking how lush and green the no2 girl is i now beleave shes been sucking certain nutes from the big girl @Twenty20 Adam what are your opinion s on her also shes still fattening up like a champ





Another update on my Snow g she is now edging towards her chop and is on very low ec feed now till the end next week im thinking . shes at week 12 today and i checked her trichome s a few days ago and they were nealy all coudy and a few going amber and shes absolutely stacked






Here we go folks pre harvest pic shes absolutely stacked i gave her a little tidy up but moving her away from the tent walls shes just collapsed anyhow the snow g autoflower at day 87 i just want to thank @Twenty20 Adam for letting me be the first to run this and the glue sniffers they both turned out amazing


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Sour D - update #3
TxRebel/Mark - update #1
Ok I have officially joined this party! :woohoo1:
1st 2 after soaking 48hrs had no tail but planted anyways but after 7 days nada so started 2 more (seen as they sent plenty ;) ) and round 2 had much better luck after only 24hr soak! :headbang:

Had me a visitor when I checked em last night to see if we had life yet!:yay:

Once tall enough to poke above it the earthbox cover gonna get sealed up tight! Got me some powdered aloe to topwater in for them once lil bigger so they can start off healthy n happy! :thumbsup:
Last 1 died when freeze hit so got a new aloe plant too but don’t wanna go hacking arms off it....NOT JUST YET ANYWAYS! :eyebrows:
Sorry to totally veer of course here but I wanted to share some pics of our F5 Sour Snow Auto we harvested and finally got to enjoy. This is an auto remake of one of our all time favorites and most potent photoperiod cultivars. She was really stubborn accepting the autoflower gene but I think the F6 round should polish her off. View attachment 1297044View attachment 1297045

:woody: Ooooo break me off a piece-a dat!
....She's gorgeous in those colors, and crusted over with trichs... :drool: How's her aroma Adam?
...excellent breeding on display here,... interesting note you made about getting the auto'ing to lock in even at F5?
How long is her typical life cycle?
I'm going to have to look her up, and plan for some photo's to try next season,... I'll be picking your brain for that! Speed and mold resistance are the top considerations.....
:woody: Ooooo break me off a piece-a dat!
....She's gorgeous in those colors, and crusted over with trichs... :drool: How's her aroma Adam?
...excellent breeding on display here,... interesting note you made about getting the auto'ing to lock in even at F5?
How long is her typical life cycle?
I'm going to have to look her up, and plan for some photo's to try next season,... I'll be picking your brain for that! Speed and mold resistance are the top considerations.....
The nose is always tough to explain with Sour Snow. I smell an earthy kush. Definitely gas and sweet but not fruit. Light Roasted coffee with sweet cream and a sprinkle of rich soil....The photoperiod variety has been a mainstay in our stable for well over a decade. The potency is off the charts....not just lab tests but what it does to your mind. Some of the original generations were super cerebral and euphoric, somehow the last 2 generations shifted to a downright mind numbing stupidity inducer. At the labs she regularly hits 28%+. She has always been one of our pinnacle pedigree breeders due to potency, outdoor worthiness, mold resistance, early ripening, and more