Ok, so the perlite should not be the issue. Are you pH'ing your nutes? Are you measuring EC or PPM also? It is hard to overwater a hemp but your gals look down. What are the temps in your grow room and how close are the lights to the plants? Could be heat stress too. Also, is that RockWool i see there? Did you you rinse it off before germ? because rock wool can fuck up pH too i think.

Yea, Autos don;t really tend to need full strength nutes from what i have seen and through my own experience. i started really light at like day 10 or 12 I think, then worked up to 1/4 then up to 1/2. never went over 1/2. For additives, it depends on which. i add about 1/4 tsp EarthJuice Cal-N-Mag with every feed/watering. In late flower, I added FF Cha-Ching (a bud booster, high Phosphate).

On my final plant (which is Photo, not auto BTW) i have the feed regimen as follows each week.
4 x per week Molasses Water with CalMag
2 x per week Nute regimen +CalMag
1 x per week Cha Ching water (roughly 1/8tsp to 96oz water)

Guess I should have given you my entire setup. I must add that I have never run into any issues as of yet with my photos.

Ph nutes down to 5.8ph using r/o water as the base. Ppms I measure and have been about 450-650 (American) with the 1/4 strength dose.

Running two Amare Technologies SS 150's in tent (2x2) with 135cfm exhaust and passive intake. Temps hit high of 83 low of 71(lights off).

Yes, I soak rockwool for 24 hrs usually (5.5ph) before popping the soaked seedin the rw. Come to think of it, I had a rw cube look funny before I placed the seed in it. So I dropped a new cube into the water for maybe 10 mins...that prolly fucked my ph big time!! Didn't even think about that...think that's it?

My cal mag dose was low too which didn't help at all...going to give 1/4 tsp per liter now on of cal mag plus nutes.
Guess I should have given you my entire setup. I must add that I have never run into any issues as of yet with my photos.

Ph nutes down to 5.8ph using r/o water as the base. Ppms I measure and have been about 450-650 (American) with the 1/4 strength dose.

Running two Amare Technologies SS 150's in tent (2x2) with 135cfm exhaust and passive intake. Temps hit high of 83 low of 71(lights off).

Yes, I soak rockwool for 24 hrs usually (5.5ph) before popping the soaked seedin the rw. Come to think of it, I had a rw cube look funny before I placed the seed in it. So I dropped a new cube into the water for maybe 10 mins...that prolly fucked my ph big time!! Didn't even think about that...think that's it?

My cal mag dose was low too which didn't help at all...going to give 1/4 tsp per liter now on of cal mag plus nutes.
You seem to be to set up for success, so i'm a bit stumped. i would definitely say to be safe do a mini flush, then kick the nutes back in and MAYBE bring the PPM's up a bit. Are you measuring runoff? That;'s what tuned me into my pH issues. i was going in at like 5.8 and it was coming out high 7! So, realized my ph inside was way high. Then i steadily pH'd to 5.2 and over the course of two weeks got my pH to steadily hang at 5.8-5.9. i continued with 5.2 in / 5.8-5.9 out until my flush. Then i went in at 5.8-5.9 and came out same after the first day or two.
You seem to be to set up for success, so i'm a bit stumped. i would definitely say to be safe do a mini flush, then kick the nutes back in and MAYBE bring the PPM's up a bit. Are you measuring runoff? That;'s what tuned me into my pH issues. i was going in at like 5.8 and it was coming out high 7! So, realized my ph inside was way high. Then i steadily pH'd to 5.2 and over the course of two weeks got my pH to steadily hang at 5.8-5.9. i continued with 5.2 in / 5.8-5.9 out until my flush. Then i went in at 5.8-5.9 and came out same after the first day or two.

I haven't checked runoff so I will do that next time. I will def do a mini flush as well to get back on track. I was also thinking about using rapid rooters for autos as they have the nutrients in them to get going opposed to the rockwool? But I will keep an eye on ph runoff for sure now.

I will also stroll your thread this afternoon to see any tips I can grab in the meantime.

Side note - I checked her again this am and she's perkier than yesterday...
I haven't checked runoff so I will do that next time. I will def do a mini flush as well to get back on track. I was also thinking about using rapid rooters for autos as they have the nutrients in them to get going opposed to the rockwool? But I will keep an eye on ph runoff for sure now.

I will also stroll your thread this afternoon to see any tips I can grab in the meantime.

Side note - I checked her again this am and she's perkier than yesterday...
Ya mon, def check that runoff. i started out saying i wasn't going to chase it but if you have an issue you kind of have to.

I use the JiffyPlugs for germ, then pop the whole thing (I remove the netting) into the hempy once a tap root shows and leaves are unfurled, give a light watering each day to keep the area moist, and wait for the tap root to hit reservoir in 10-14 days.
You know what man...got through 2 pages so far of your thread. My last three grows I never checked runoff. Going in always 5.8 and I had 0 issues. I've read elsewhere not to check ph runoff as it will be off...assuming that plants change ph by using nutrients. I'm almost positive that I screwed up the cal mag bad at the start which stunted her bad. When did you give your first feeding of nutes? What day?

So rockwool will be similar to the jiffy plug without nutes. Maybe I should pre soak my rw with a 1/8 dose of seedling nutes to get them going...

I watered twice daily till just a bit till she hit the res.
Quick update

Here she is day 34...seems happier today now. And my THC bomb photo beside in mini hempy.


Stretch has slowed it seems, and buds forming. Should I jump to flower nutes yet or wait a week? Gonna do a mini flush now and then fill up res...will go with veg if I don't hear otherwise.


looks like you could use some CalMag. Love that LST set-up, man. Good looking stuff!:smoking:

Yeah, I slacked on it about a week back and got a kick in the nuts! Been giving her the aggressive dose every feeding now as there is no extra N in it. Lesson learned the hard way...

Just getting this feeding them small amounts down finally...next run I should have a whole bag-o-tricks!! [emoji48]