Here is my first indoor auto. She was hit hard with a cal def a few weeks back, but I got that in check. Consensus is she's stunted, prolly from the hempy buckets slow start...working on that now as you'll see!! Without delay...

Think Different Day 32


Here is a mini hempy I did to practice the transplanting. I think I'm going to have to do this step with the autos next time to prevent the stunting. I always heard to never tp an auto as it will be stunted...

THC Bomb (photo not auto) seedling day 6


Don't start an auto in a 3 gal hempy...start with a smaller pot and pot up. Or it will get stunted..unless I'm doing it wrong then please help!!

Until next time!! [emoji111]️
Looks like some pH issues. I don't know anything about hempy buckets. Can you check or test your ph?

Hempy buckets are a passive hydro. Ph is 5.8 going in. Ph fluctuates for two days then new nutes. Positive it was a Cal issue as I cut it too low when trying to figure out how to feed an auto lol. Noob auto grower mistake...keeping cal mag dose high with 1/4 strength seems to have fixed it. It first appeared about two weeks ago, new growth is bright green and healthy...fingers crossed
Gave an 1/8 dose when it should have been 1/4 dose. Should mention.. Running r/o water. GH flora series base nutes. Rapidstart and superthrive for first few weeks. Green Planet's massive bloom, terminator and finisher for flower with flora nutes. (Used these for photos with good results). Looking at H&G lineup when I replace these tho. Any questions please feel free to ask...

Really hoping to get these autos down and rock it like you guys do!! Super jealous of a heavy crop in quick time and small spaces!!
Hey man, weighing in here. To my eye it looks like two problems-Overwatering and pH swings. i would hold off on the water for a couple days until that bucket is really light. Then, i would do a flush to get your pH in the 5.5-5.8 zone. My vermiculite in my hemp was really high pH when i first planted and it took a tremendous amount of flushing to get it to settle in the right zone. It took a good 7-10 days slowly eeking the ph down. Also, definitely keep the nutes to 1/4 strength for a bit more and then start adding slowly each feeding till you get unto 1/2 strength. Remember, LESS IS MORE.......
There you are!! I was looking for your journal this am...too early still!

I use 100% perlite in my hempys so in is completely inert. I rinse several times before planting in them to avoid dust in the res too. The overwatering could be, but can't overwater hempy buckets I thought. Anyway, I feed every fourth day in the 3 gal (very light compared to when watered) but I can let it go another day I'm sure. So never go more than 1/2 strength then? And why about additives? Just add them after in small amounts? These autos are very picky...or I've had some heavy eaters with photos

Glad to see you in here mojo!! Been some warm welcomes since joining! [emoji41]
There you are!! I was looking for your journal this am...too early still!

I use 100% perlite in my hempys so in is completely inert. I rinse several times before planting in them to avoid dust in the res too. The overwatering could be, but can't overwater hempy buckets I thought. Anyway, I feed every fourth day in the 3 gal (very light compared to when watered) but I can let it go another day I'm sure. So never go more than 1/2 strength then? And why about additives? Just add them after in small amounts? These autos are very picky...or I've had some heavy eaters with photos

Glad to see you in here mojo!! Been some warm welcomes since joining! [emoji41]
Ok, so the perlite should not be the issue. Are you pH'ing your nutes? Are you measuring EC or PPM also? It is hard to overwater a hemp but your gals look down. What are the temps in your grow room and how close are the lights to the plants? Could be heat stress too. Also, is that RockWool i see there? Did you you rinse it off before germ? because rock wool can fuck up pH too i think.

Yea, Autos don;t really tend to need full strength nutes from what i have seen and through my own experience. i started really light at like day 10 or 12 I think, then worked up to 1/4 then up to 1/2. never went over 1/2. For additives, it depends on which. i add about 1/4 tsp EarthJuice Cal-N-Mag with every feed/watering. In late flower, I added FF Cha-Ching (a bud booster, high Phosphate).

On my final plant (which is Photo, not auto BTW) i have the feed regimen as follows each week.
4 x per week Molasses Water with CalMag
2 x per week Nute regimen +CalMag
1 x per week Cha Ching water (roughly 1/8tsp to 96oz water)