No sign of flower yet for the AutoCreeper
The last 2 nights now I've found one ant sneaking about the pots which indicate that I've got an aphid problem, theres an ecosystem in there with loads of spider's, aphids & now fecking ants
The spiders and thier webs are doing a good job catching insects and so are the sticky traps, so need to get ant killer now before they colonise my pots lol.
Alls good tho and still trucking on regardless of the multiple creepers on the go now, they leaving the plants alone atm but need to get more traps before its outa control, as long as the spidermites don't turn up for the party I don't care much.
Some quick videos
additional 45w blurple light to get a bit more light coverage.
AutoCreeper day 28
Unknown strain hanging on the wall. From the first batch of seeds i got off Sawney_bean,
More unknowns cramed in to were they can fit.
Biotab girl,
1 tab added on week 3 & only water so far.
Biotabs girl cola shot