Grow Mediums Trying Great White from Plant Success

Good news.

We have some root-growth and i believe the roots will continue to grow pretty fast from here.


Temps are steady around 19.7 - 20C.


Will raise the EC a little bit today and see how she responds.

Noticed a strange smell in the bucket a couple days ago - could possibly have been when the rivals in the bucket had a fight?

It smells like things have settled now, so maybe the good guys won the battle, at least i hope that so we can learn the next thing regarding growing cannabis :cheers:
I hope those roots hit that water and the plant just explodes for you.


They are down in the water now, and have almost doubled in length/size in the past 12 hours :woohoo:


I’ll update soon again so we can see the progress, but so far it’s looking very promising :d5:
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A quick little update on the progress.

Day 13


PH 5.88, letting it drift from ~5.6 to ~6.2.

EC 0.94, don’t want to raise it as i believe it’s enough, she just need a bigger root-system so she can suck it up - so we wait :pop:

She feels like a decent plant, possibly not the strongest I’ve grown but she definitely got potential to get big!


She have just started to build her lateral root-system and the rez smells goodish, so there is no problems at all what i can sense.

As far as i can remember the problems i had in my earlier DWCs would have probably showed up by now. With that said I’m feeling really happy and safe this time around. :thumbsup:

Something i want to give this girl is some silica, but i don’t have it in home. I will remember to buy it as soon as i get to a store and to always have it in my stash for future grows.

She seems to be healthy and there is no signs of root-rot or algea, so let’s keep this girl for a while so we can study the outcome of her, with that i will feel more confident when it comes to full blast hydro.

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Well - that turned south fast.

Did a rez-change and TADAAA, the root-rot got a good grip of the plants lower parts.


I did not panick whatsoever, i calmly brought a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a fairly used bottle of bleach.

Measured up 50ml of the hydrogen peroxide, 40ml of the bleach and poured it nice and slowly into the DWC-reservoir.

I leaved it to boil over night as i (in this moment) didn’t know what to do…

So when i woke up this morning the roots looked like this ->


Stripped and stained, so there might be a small chance that i had to much of the non-plant-food in there.

Made a new batch in the DWC with a total of 2ml of bleach to see if that is enough to keep the girl happy but also in the same time enough to kill the bad bacterias.

The war against the drugs will be continued…

And i will continue to find a way to win against the weed-killing colony.
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As the product didn’t work in my growspace and with the results that came with it i will toss the plant and try something new another time.

I will probably stick to cocos until a super-product shows up that can handle a non sterile environment.