Grow Mediums Trying Great White from Plant Success


Make love not war.
Feb 8, 2022
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Hey guys.

Will just do a small thread here when I’m trying DWC, for the third time.

Both my earlier attempts in DWC have ended up with root-rot, so this time i will use good bacterias to hopefully prevent it from happen

I will use Great White from Plant Success - to see if i can get away with a DWC-grow, without getting root-rot.


I soaked two seeds ( believe they are some kind of cheese) and I’ve put them to germinate in Root-Riots, wich i have placed in two Grodan Delta cubes.


I will use a 20-liter bucket for water and nutrients and a 20L/min air-pump.



And for your information - I will not complete/harvest this girl, just test if the Great White does the trick.

If the roots stay healthy (knock on wood) i will start up another girl and try grow my biggest plant to date, but that is another story… :headbang:

I will update as we progress and will share my experience down the road…. :thumbsup:
The girls is under a small 37-watts power-draw LED…


While I’m waiting on the girls to pop up I’ve been starting to brew some more good/healthy bacterias to fight the bad guys in the rez.


Wish i had a meter or something to test with to see if i succeed with the process.
Tested the temperature in a pre-made bucket, just to try it out.
Temps were around 23 celcius in the DWC, so i built a DIY-chiller and got the temps down to 19.7, - Great! :shooty:(By edit-time 19.2 Celcius).

But that included another bucket and ice, where i have 2 meters of the air-hose drenched under cold water, wich i have to monitor manually.


Lazy as i am i think its a pain in the ass to do stuff that i really don’t have to do, so I’m going to order a chiller, to get the temps where i want them - with as little effort as possible from my side. :pass:
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:point: NOPE! I’m not ordering a chiller, the price for a good chiller is way beyond what i am willing to pay for cold air.:point: Well, I’m poor as fuck.
I had to re-think on what to do as i needed something cheaper… Way cheaper! :2cents:

So earlier today i helped a friend to throw some furnitures and households-machines, when i spotted a medium sized refrigerator.

And guess what - i asked the second i saw it if i could have it as it could be used as a chiller!

All I needed to do was to drill two holes, (one of the holes for inlet/warm air and the other for outlet/cold air) get a few meters of soft/bendable aluminium or copper-pipes:


- to be placed inside the refrigerator wich would make the air cold while traveling trough them.
And voilà!
An almost free chiller with massive capacity! :coffee:
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I have wrapped both the bucket and the lid in alumium-foil, and upon that a black plastic bag to prevent any light at all to hit the inside of the bucket. I’ve also made a square-hat to prevent the light coming in from the top.


Temperature in the bucket is 18.5 celcius.
EC 0.78, Ph 5.6.

If this doesn’t work and i still get slime i will try to use ro-water as it has to be the tap-water that is the source of problems.
We finally got some root-drop :woohoo1:


Temps are slightly under 20c/68f in the rez.

I have a bit low RH, but that isn’t something i pay any bigger attention to, as it is just the roots that matter in this little test-run.

Hoping for more roots the coming days/weeks.

@JP1, No problems - you can peek in :smokeout:
Quick update -

Switched airpump as i believe the other one was to powerful for a single bucket, the first root that hit the water snapped from the current of water that hit it.

The old one was 20l/min and the new one is on 12l/min.
I added another airstone and the bubbles are way smaller and the movement of water is more calm.
It feels like this was the better option and that the plant will like her new bath.

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