Indoor Trip's Perpetual LED Coco Grow

Holy crap Fuggzy that's some serious shit to happen to anyone lol death by bamboo pop over for a look at my grow i could use ure experience on my scrog
I'll be there in just a bit bud. It's time to put the lil' monster down for a nap. (shhh, but I made a scrog too :biggrin: we might need to learn toghther)
Why do I need bird seed I have mason jars
you are going to innoculate the jars of bird seed and your mycellium will grow on the seed and start to feed on it, then you mx up your coco substrate and mix your finished spawn jars into your coco and let it consolidate the substrate then you fruit it and harvest your tub.
think of the birst seed as the butes and the coco a well, coco lol which is your substrate.
you are going to innoculate the jars of bird seed and your mycellium will grow on the seed and start to feed on it, then you mx up your coco substrate and mix your finished spawn jars into your coco and let it consolidate the substrate then you fruit it and harvest your tub.
think of the birst seed as the butes and the coco a well, coco lol which is your substrate.
Bro if u don't mind could you give me a quick how to as I don't really understand the process
Where em I? All these fancy words.
Nah j/k.
Looking good trip.
Summertime always brings out the fun guys.
ok im gonna need to smoke some of this super charged AK-47 joint before we start this @Bailey lol let me gather some pics, what i can find on my comp that is
ok this is what i could dig up @Bailey
this is a brow rice flower cake(aka PF tek) that is being colonized by the mycellium( the "root system" and life of the mushroom)

you will need a Pressure cooker, big clear tote,birdseed, jars,coco, verm, iso alcohol to kill all bacteria on your work surfaces and tools and your spores

This is a jar of spawn colonizing its food( the birdseed) after i innoculate the jars with my spores i let it colonize about 40-50% then shake and break up the seed in the jar and return it to the closet and let it colonize to about 90% then its time to mix up your coco substrate in the link i gave u earlier..
12394524_10208910133697241_1608891823_o (1).jpg

you then construct your mono tub

after you got that done and your substrate mixed up you will follow the tek i gave you to mix up your spawn in your substrate. tape up all the holes you drilled out.
this is my tub the day i induced fruiting notice the holes have poly fill in to control the RH. but when your sub is about 80-90% colonized you can induce fruiting like you see here

Misting and fanning plus the poly fill in the holes creates evaporation which encourages pinning or you mushrooms like below
all those little bumps is primordia, the beginning of a fruit/mushroom

2-4 days later it looks like this


Trip does Big Things when he does them as you guys already seen with my grows:yeah: I really like to try and be a perfectionist when it comes to my hobbies but as @The Elvis taught me when he helped me on my first grow he sai something like you cant get every plant perfect all the time an that was hard to accept but i will still do my damndest to perfect this hobby of growing meds!

i think this was the first of 5 flushes, each flush produced bigger mushrooms as it went on as you see from above haha