Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow

Forgot to sub to this grow sorry dude well done they are unreal mate great job super frosty the lady's have fattend up nicely

Love the bong do u have a YouTube channel I can subscribe 2
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Thanks bro has the look of some tasty smoke, have been checking the trichs daily and on the cola of TK there are barely any clear left and a few more amber popping up, it will be coming off Wednesday morning (Day 64), then will keep the rest going as it has quite a few more white pistils and still lots of clear trichs, so should be able to plump it up a bit more.

Deep Blue C is the one that is being sneaky at the moment, she is ambering up quite fast but still has to many clear trichs, i saw it last time on DBC and she literally clouded up overnight giving a very small window for harvest before ambering up to much, so will just keep checking her day by day and as soon as she is ready will come down but wont be to much longer, will make sure to give her a beauty photo shoot first for her BOM pic ;)

Am real happy with the piece, am actually just heading out for another couple of bowls, got a channel i set up just for my grows dont post to it much but the link is below ;)
All caught up now - not much time to keep up with the happenings on AFN lately.

Damn thats a big jar plenty to keep you nice and medicated why the lady's fatten up

Think I might save my trimmings like you have that's some rainy day gold dust
always a good idea to have a back up stash

I have some bubble bags in my draw but never get enough trim to make a decent amount of hash

Great pics as always bro keep up the good work

Oh yeah - I love making hash. Trim from 3-4 plants makes a decent batch (7-10grams). Had a plant get a bit of powdery mildew while drying, so I turned it into a batch of hash. Very nice kick ass hash.

This is going to be my last grow using the LED corn bulb, did not even think about the fact those bare solder joints may be live until i can across the below YouTube video.

@Duckster @Nuggz careful handling these bulbs without disconnecting them from the power 1st, and share this vid with anyone else you know using these bulbs.

Will be sticking with the plastic covered E27 bulbs i got in the beginning of this grow for the time being, but they are lacking a bit in light over the corn bulbs, like these as my next purchase for side lighting, when i get some spare cash :)

Many thanks for that one bro! I've never touched mine while they were on so I don't know if that's a problem, but better safe than sorry. Will remember to turn them off first.

A quick couple of pics i grabbed of DBC this morning while getting her daily feed, taken under the 2700K CFL light in the box.

View attachment 578559 View attachment 578560 View attachment 578561

Man o man them girls are looking mighty fine bro. Just all covered in frosty goodness. A bit of this for you lad. :slap:
Cheers Ducky mate, am looking forward to getting this grow all wrapped up and some bud back in the jars.

I Kiefed up my trim in the past and was a nice potent smoke to top off a bowl, just topped off my last bowl with some i had left ;) but am real happy i kept it this time round as i would have been out of smoke for sure, but looks like it is going to last just perfect till i have some dry bud in a jar again.

Things are looking mighty fine in your garden also bro, cant wait to see how that monster cola finshes out.
She's been nominated for bud of the month nice one bro I can see why she's a sexy bitch any your camera skills are on point what you hoping to pull for your final weight do you have a rough guess
She's been nominated for bud of the month nice one bro I can see why she's a sexy bitch any your camera skills are on point what you hoping to pull for your final weight do you have a rough guess

Cheers mate, i am happy with the way they both turned out, but love the trich coverage on lil DBC really don't think she could have packed anymore in and is a honour for her to even make it into the BOM.

Not great at making guesses on weights but would say 1/2 oz dry from DBC just based on previous 1L grows, as for TK is a complete shot in the dark but would say somewhere between 1.3oz and 1.5oz would be about right.
Yeah sounds about right for a CFL grow with small containers but when its your own home grown baby
weight doesn't matter it's about enjoying the fruits of your labour all that time and effort makes the smoke that much better
Cheers Ducky mate, am looking forward to getting this grow all wrapped up and some bud back in the jars.

I Kiefed up my trim in the past and was a nice potent smoke to top off a bowl, just topped off my last bowl with some i had left ;) but am real happy i kept it this time round as i would have been out of smoke for sure, but looks like it is going to last just perfect till i have some dry bud in a jar again.

Things are looking mighty fine in your garden also bro, cant wait to see how that monster cola finshes out.

I hear that - empty jars really sux. Good thing you had some trim stashed to get you through the hard times.:d5:

My girls are doing ok. I looked back at the pics from my first TxA at the same age. She was a bit shorter than these 2 but she had much bigger and fatter buds. Her main cola ended up being 3" dia and about 15" long after trimming. I tried to dry it in one piece - mistake. Probably why I ended up with powdery mildew. Ended up using the whole plant to make hash.

Congrats on the BOM nom!
Last few days now ripening up in the sun, first up DBC and then TK.

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