Mephisto Genetics Triangle Kush + Deep Blue C, Soil and CFL Grow


Certified Rambler
Jan 9, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Crack and Alien Vs Triangle
As the jars start to look empty i am back with another Mephisto grow and show, this time round is going to be a Triangle Kush in the bigger 6L Airpot and a Deep Blue C in the tiny 1L Airpot.

They will be grown in Bio Bizz Light Mix with 10% added perlite, Myco Plant mycorrhizae and Agro Bacterias Bactohemp, will also be top dressing some Agro Bacteria Bacto Bloom into the soil at the start of flowering stage.

Nutes will be Bio Bizz Grow, AlgaMic, Bloom with Green Planet Pro Cal (CalMg) and B.A.C Organic PK Booster.

They will both be under the 120W 6400k CFL for veg with the LED corn bulbs being used as side lighting as they get bigger around week 2-3, will change out the bulb for the 200W 2700k CFL for flowering.

Soil was mixed up yesterday, put in the pots and watered till a nice runoff was achieved. Beans went between 2 damp paper towels that are now covered with two small plates and are nice and warm under the lights in the box.

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2016-04-02 18.46.18.jpg
2016-04-02 18.47.03.jpg
Can we see some pics of the box? :D

Is the same ghetto cardboard box i have been using since half way through my Sweet Tooth grow, have linked to the posts i made when i was putting it together, it is just about the same now as it was then except for adding the 2 5500k LED corn bulbs for side lights and using the two different bulbs for veg and flower instead of the single dual spectrum one.

I've got two deep blue c going now in hydro,both about 3 feet tall under a 600 watt

Just checked out your thread now bro they are looking absolutely stunning, i always find it amazing what a size boost growing in hydro gives the girls, best of luck with the rest of the grow and look forward to seeing how they finish up.
Curious as to how things go with the 6l pot. Weren't the "big pots" always 3l in the past?
What's up Spangler, hehe I wanted to check out Wutchu been cooking, some tri and Deep Blue C huh? Sounds tasty, I am locked in, check out my third grow I am about half way there, I canna wait to see your babies come to life.
Curious as to how things go with the 6l pot. Weren't the "big pots" always 3l in the past?

Is the same 6L (red bottom) pot i used for DBC first time round, is about the same height as the 11L square pots i also have but quite a bit narrower at the top, so can stack the two a bit close together under the big bulb, also using near half the amount of soil was useful as i only just had enough Light Mix left to fill the pots.
What's up Spangler, hehe I wanted to check out Wutchu been cooking, some tri and Deep Blue C huh? Sounds tasty, I am locked in, check out my third grow I am about half way there, I canna wait to see your babies come to life.

Hey Aurora pal welcome to my little grow and show, hope all is going good for you ;)

Will head on over and check out your latest in a bit, so be prepared for a like bomb lol