
..... Giggady giggady gig-a-dee!!

.... purple-blue (indigo?) velvet death nugg's to worship- LOL! The colors are gorgeous, no doubt, nice and rich,...'course, it's harder to see when they're buried under so much fuzzy resins! -

.... Excellent job on these beauties Trap,... Mr. Hank must be very pleased! You have a knack for growing war club colas my friend-

-solid bud top to bottom!...all the better to smite thy friends with!

..aromatics sound delish',... funny, how their perfume drifts in nuance at the end sometimes,...

..or is it just our noses? ...that super c/u shot is just the
nastiest kinda porn brudda!

Trichome coverage density is spectacular, indeed!
...I don't know about the tap root thing, with tiering,...seems as long as it has a chance to initially dive deep unobstructed, it shouldn't affect size potential that much (noting that juicy root mass!)...? Laterals always seem to bust out and fill in no matter what, from what I've seen in my tiering runs,... I'm amazed at how shallow they lie below the surface-- I water, and slosh a little soil aside, the see 25lb test size roots right there! .... lots of good stuff to see and learn from here Trap buddy, including more solid rep' for brother GBD's soil tinkerings!......

what's this, you have
no room for more drying bud??!!

... your sufferance is truly great,...

...hope your lovely wife doesn't mind a hand print on your arse!!

...you're really onto something fantastic here, brudda! I'm no expert on breeding, but I know Goodness when I see it!

...have some love too!