Transplant Fallout Help - Coco

@Zootown68 Be sure not to do foliar again for at least a week.
@Zootown68 Be sure not to do foliar again for at least a week.
Roger that, @Mañ'O'Green . However, this morning I got up early to have a look at "the end of their day" and they were looking sad again (see pic at bottom). So they are looking happy in the "middle of the day" and sadder as it goes on. They were all drooped out again this morning. Sigh.... I'm using general hydro prods and following their feed schedule instead of the CCFC one per your recommendation. The main difference besides the different rations is that the General Hydro schedule said to add the FloraBlend and Floralicious Plus (couldn't find, so using regular Floralicious), so I grabbed those and mixed in along with the rest and then dilute to 400 ppm at 5.9 pH. Yesterday I only fertigated once, right after lights on. I'm using RO water, which has a starting PPM of about 50. The machine that I've been using says that they go through some extra processes, "add trace minerals" and pH to 8.8 (I of course move it back down before fertigating). Maybe those "trace minerals" are what is making my ladies sad?

At any rate, I need to mix up some more nutes to fertigate today at 2pm MTN couple hrs after lights on. I'll run and get a couple of gallons of distilled to take that out of the equation and start grabbing my RO somewhere else to perm take that factor out of equation.

Here is how I have been mixing the nutes: Start with a gallon of RO water and mix in in this order and timing...

1. Armor Si - 1 ml (then let sit for about 30 mins then shake between adding each of the following.....)
2. Flora Micro 5 ml
3. Flora Grow 5 ml
4. Flora Bloom 2.5 ml
5. CaliMagic 2.5 ml
6. Diamond Nectar 5 ml
7. FloraBlend 5 ml
8. Floralicious (not plus) 1 ml
9. Yucca Powder (tiny bump.... like an eighth of a quarter teaspoon)
10. Rapid Start 2.5 ml

Then I stick an air stone into the gallon and turn it on. When I'm ready to fertigate I put a gallon of the RO water into a 2 gallon Igloo spigot cooler and add in nutes till I get to 400 ppm. If I put in too much nutes I knock it back with more RO water till it's at 400. Then I pH to 5.9, and fertigate to runoff of at least 20%. When I was fertigating them in the 1/2 gallon bags I was fertigating 3x a day to tons of runoff, but now that they are in 3 gallon bags the plan was to fertigate 2x per day if I could get away with it. Honestly, I was worried that I was the guy that could somehow overwater even with coco, so I only fertigated once yesterday. But the bags are FAR from dry. They are still saturated and heavy heavy.

Lights are 20" above plants at 75% power. They are Viparspectra XS 1500 LEDs and they draw 150 watts from the wall. Temps are low 70s pretty much around the clock and humidity mid 70s. 6" Hydrofarm fan with carbon filter constantly running at low. Small fan also in tent shooting down from ceiling over lights towards bottom of tent. Plants get a gentle movement, nothing too crazy and it helps keep the humidity from getting sucked right out of the tent.

I'm at a loss. But I'm learning. And I'm moving forward. They look like that had some new growth at the tops while I was sleeping at least. I also could not help but touch a leaf or two and for lack of better word they kind of feel a little crispish... :( Thank you thank you thank you everyone.


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Good luck m8. Hopefully it pulls through.
Roger that, @Mañ'O'Green . However, this morning I got up early to have a look at "the end of their day" and they were looking sad again (see pic at bottom). So they are looking happy in the "middle of the day" and sadder as it goes on. They were all drooped out again this morning. Sigh.... I'm using general hydro prods and following their feed schedule instead of the CCFC one per your recommendation. The main difference besides the different rations is that the General Hydro schedule said to add the FloraBlend and Floralicious Plus (couldn't find, so using regular Floralicious), so I grabbed those and mixed in along with the rest and then dilute to 400 ppm at 5.9 pH. Yesterday I only fertigated once, right after lights on. I'm using RO water, which has a starting PPM of about 50. The machine that I've been using says that they go through some extra processes, "add trace minerals" and pH to 8.8 (I of course move it back down before fertigating). Maybe those "trace minerals" are what is making my ladies sad?

At any rate, I need to mix up some more nutes to fertigate today at 2pm MTN couple hrs after lights on. I'll run and get a couple of gallons of distilled to take that out of the equation and start grabbing my RO somewhere else to perm take that factor out of equation.

Here is how I have been mixing the nutes: Start with a gallon of RO water and mix in in this order and timing...

1. Armor Si - 1 ml (then let sit for about 30 mins then shake between adding each of the following.....)
2. Flora Micro 5 ml
3. Flora Grow 5 ml
4. Flora Bloom 2.5 ml
5. CaliMagic 2.5 ml
6. Diamond Nectar 5 ml
7. FloraBlend 5 ml
8. Floralicious (not plus) 1 ml
9. Yucca Powder (tiny bump.... like an eighth of a quarter teaspoon)
10. Rapid Start 2.5 ml

Then I stick an air stone into the gallon and turn it on. When I'm ready to fertigate I put a gallon of the RO water into a 2 gallon Igloo spigot cooler and add in nutes till I get to 400 ppm. If I put in too much nutes I knock it back with more RO water till it's at 400. Then I pH to 5.9, and fertigate to runoff of at least 20%. When I was fertigating them in the 1/2 gallon bags I was fertigating 3x a day to tons of runoff, but now that they are in 3 gallon bags the plan was to fertigate 2x per day if I could get away with it. Honestly, I was worried that I was the guy that could somehow overwater even with coco, so I only fertigated once yesterday. But the bags are FAR from dry. They are still saturated and heavy heavy.

Lights are 20" above plants at 75% power. They are Viparspectra XS 1500 LEDs and they draw 150 watts from the wall. Temps are low 70s pretty much around the clock and humidity mid 70s. 6" Hydrofarm fan with carbon filter constantly running at low. Small fan also in tent shooting down from ceiling over lights towards bottom of tent. Plants get a gentle movement, nothing too crazy and it helps keep the humidity from getting sucked right out of the tent.

I'm at a loss. But I'm learning. And I'm moving forward. they look like that had some new growth at the tops while I was sleeping at least. Thank you thank you thank you everyone.
GH suggests mixing calimagic prior to your npk's and other nutes. To be clear - I don't believe this caused your wilting/shock.
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I see 10 supplements, plus presumably pH up and down (12).

Given that you're a new grower and learning not only about cannabis, but also good horticultural practices in general, you should greatly reduce your cocktail if you want to succeed. This will remove many variables from your formula that might be causing imbalances.

I use the GH flora trio and mix one gallon of nutes per day. I always add 1g epsom salt to tap water, then feed my plants in veg 3ml Grow, 2ml Micro, 1ml Bloom.

Once they are done stretching, I feed 3ml Bloom, 2ml Micro, and 1ml Grow. I cut out the grow 4 weeks before chop and feed only micro and bloom, and give water-only the last 7-10 days. This formula usually needs about .3ml of pH down given my neutral tap water.

If they look a little overfed in flower, I'll cut the recipe in half for a few days to let them consume some of the nutrients in the medium before I ratchet back up the PPM.

I've been doing this for years and getting amazing, easy, consistent crops of photos and autos. It also takes me about five minutes start to finish. What you wrote sounds... complicated.
I see 10 supplements, plus presumably pH up and down (12).

Given that you're a new grower and learning not only about cannabis, but also good horticultural practices in general, you should greatly reduce your cocktail if you want to succeed. This will remove many variables from your formula that might be causing imbalances.

I use the GH flora trio and mix one gallon of nutes per day. I always add 1g epsom salt to tap water, then feed my plants in veg 3ml Grow, 2ml Micro, 1ml Bloom.

Once they are done stretching, I feed 3ml Bloom, 2ml Micro, and 1ml Grow. I cut out the grow 4 weeks before chop and feed only micro and bloom, and give water-only the last 7-10 days. This formula usually needs about .3ml of pH down given my neutral tap water.

If they look a little overfed in flower, I'll cut the recipe in half for a few days to let them consume some of the nutrients in the medium before I ratchet back up the PPM.

I've been doing this for years and getting amazing, easy, consistent crops of photos and autos. It also takes me about five minutes start to finish. What you wrote sounds... complicated.
Thank you. It IS complicated... To the point that I'm already looking forward to growing in a different medium. However, I decided to take on Coco now, as I am working from home now and actually have the time to devote to this labor-intensive method. Easier sounds GREAT, though!
@low_and_slow are you growing in coco or some other medium? Thank you very much.
Roger that, @Mañ'O'Green . However, this morning I got up early to have a look at "the end of their day" and they were looking sad again (see pic at bottom). So they are looking happy in the "middle of the day" and sadder as it goes on. They were all drooped out again this morning. Sigh.... I'm using general hydro prods and following their feed schedule instead of the CCFC one per your recommendation. The main difference besides the different rations is that the General Hydro schedule said to add the FloraBlend and Floralicious Plus (couldn't find, so using regular Floralicious), so I grabbed those and mixed in along with the rest and then dilute to 400 ppm at 5.9 pH. Yesterday I only fertigated once, right after lights on. I'm using RO water, which has a starting PPM of about 50. The machine that I've been using says that they go through some extra processes, "add trace minerals" and pH to 8.8 (I of course move it back down before fertigating). Maybe those "trace minerals" are what is making my ladies sad?

At any rate, I need to mix up some more nutes to fertigate today at 2pm MTN couple hrs after lights on. I'll run and get a couple of gallons of distilled to take that out of the equation and start grabbing my RO somewhere else to perm take that factor out of equation.

Here is how I have been mixing the nutes: Start with a gallon of RO water and mix in in this order and timing...

1. Armor Si - 1 ml (then let sit for about 30 mins then shake between adding each of the following.....)
2. Flora Micro 5 ml
3. Flora Grow 5 ml
4. Flora Bloom 2.5 ml
5. CaliMagic 2.5 ml
6. Diamond Nectar 5 ml
7. FloraBlend 5 ml
8. Floralicious (not plus) 1 ml
9. Yucca Powder (tiny bump.... like an eighth of a quarter teaspoon)
10. Rapid Start 2.5 ml

Then I stick an air stone into the gallon and turn it on. When I'm ready to fertigate I put a gallon of the RO water into a 2 gallon Igloo spigot cooler and add in nutes till I get to 400 ppm. If I put in too much nutes I knock it back with more RO water till it's at 400. Then I pH to 5.9, and fertigate to runoff of at least 20%. When I was fertigating them in the 1/2 gallon bags I was fertigating 3x a day to tons of runoff, but now that they are in 3 gallon bags the plan was to fertigate 2x per day if I could get away with it. Honestly, I was worried that I was the guy that could somehow overwater even with coco, so I only fertigated once yesterday. But the bags are FAR from dry. They are still saturated and heavy heavy.

Lights are 20" above plants at 75% power. They are Viparspectra XS 1500 LEDs and they draw 150 watts from the wall. Temps are low 70s pretty much around the clock and humidity mid 70s. 6" Hydrofarm fan with carbon filter constantly running at low. Small fan also in tent shooting down from ceiling over lights towards bottom of tent. Plants get a gentle movement, nothing too crazy and it helps keep the humidity from getting sucked right out of the tent.

I'm at a loss. But I'm learning. And I'm moving forward. They look like that had some new growth at the tops while I was sleeping at least. I also could not help but touch a leaf or two and for lack of better word they kind of feel a little crispish... :( Thank you thank you thank you everyone.
Considering what they looked like after the transplant they look much improved. Just stay the course. Be sure your RH and temps are in line if these get out of range it can cause drooping. I think they are still working on getting past the transplant?