Cultivators Club
It may be....but you are certainly making the best of it!!The growing seaon is short and challenging
It may be....but you are certainly making the best of it!!The growing seaon is short and challenging
necessity isIt may be....but you are certainly making the best of it!!
Pretty much. I make sure pot is good and wet, let set and dry to the point that seem right and plant. The weaker Moon Tears did get over watered after she sprouted. Wife says she's just not as vig, We'll see.What is your process for watering? Do you soak the pot first, let it dry out to a certain point, and then water as needed?
yeah, blame the devil's pot.,or da seed, can't be meDon't know about that [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] pot
Pretty much. I make sure pot is good and wet, let set and dry to the point that seem right and plant. The weaker Moon Tears did get over watered after she sprouted. Wife says she's just not as vig, We'll see.
yeah, blame the devil's pot.,or da seed, can't be me