son of soil
Toof Decay still trying to straighten up and one of the Nashiras needs to drop the hoody. 9 for 9, which makes me real happy after the struggle I had with damping off last season!
Ok, its as long trip to 65N, I need a drink and a smoke!
hey Bode! glad you are here! check out Guides and Tutorials on the forums page, Maximizing Outdoor Autos by @912GreenSkell is a very good place to start! He is an experienced and quite successful outdoor grower who is dedicated to sharing. Welcome to grower's fun grobro!High trailanimal,
I hope you don't mind if I sit in. I've become thoroughly fascinated with auto's as a way to get finished buds on the stalk outdoors. Need to see the process start to finish. Thanks.
Looks like you have a very nice grow space, with all the snow and cold and wind just outside. I'm on the 44th parallel and that's bad enough. Good luck with your grow and harvest!
our life styles hone an appreciation for cooperationGetting extra reflection off the snow too. Good neighbors make life better.