Outdoor Trailanimal 2022

Every time I over water a plant it droops and if uptake shuts down long enough chlorosis sets in. Never a droop. Just a plant with lime leaves. In 3 gallons of soil and at 44" she may just need more juice(nutes, not water, lol). And the yellowing may be fall fade.
I think the yellowish...is that a word. :shrug: anyways the yellowish I think is from being inside the greenhouse and not getting as bright or strong UV as what the outside plant gets in the open sunlight.
Cannabis plants and with all plants really don't matter which plant you look at they protect themselves with the brighter colors against the UV it's a defense mechanism.
I would say that you're going to experience between those two exact strains that the one growing outside is going to have a little more flavor and more stickiness or resin, trench or whatever you want to call it than the plant on the inside under the greenhouse top. Again that's just because it's a defense mechanism against the UV.
I think the yellowish...is that a word. :shrug: anyways the yellowish I think is from being inside the greenhouse and not getting as bright or strong UV as what the outside plant gets in the open sunlight.
Cannabis plants and with all plants really don't matter which plant you look at they protect themselves with the brighter colors against the UV it's a defense mechanism.
I would say that you're going to experience between those two exact strains that the one growing outside is going to have a little more flavor and more stickiness or resin, trench or whatever you want to call it than the plant on the inside under the greenhouse top. Again that's just because it's a defense mechanism against the UV.
Yeah. On hot summer sun day I can stand at the greenhouse entrance and feel the burn on my neck. Step into the greenhouse and no burn. Diminished intensity is good for spring and early summer. Now, with Sola retreating and almost constant cloud cover, way less light. Trees in yard are casting some shade from time to time during the day. We've been at this site 12 years, a couple of those years have been good growing seasons. And the garden pumps........

2 out of 12 yrs capable of this. Mostly a struggle for the outdoor plants. Typically May, June and July have the most sun, and it's intense. The earliest plants are window started, go to the greenhouse in about one month and finish before the rainiest season. And they can make good frost, or crust, lol. In the drying room, same season as the garden pic above.......
Yeah. On hot summer sun day I can stand at the greenhouse entrance and feel the burn on my neck. Step into the greenhouse and no burn. Diminished intensity is good for spring and early summer. Now, with Sola retreating and almost constant cloud cover, way less light. Trees in yard are casting some shade from time to time during the day. We've been at this site 12 years, a couple of those years have been good growing seasons. And the garden pumps........

View attachment 1505589.
2 out of 12 yrs capable of this. Mostly a struggle for the outdoor plants. Typically May, June and July have the most sun, and it's intense. The earliest plants are window started, go to the greenhouse in about one month and finish before the rainiest season. And they can make good frost, or crust, lol. In the drying room, same season as the garden pic above.......View attachment 1505594.
those are some nice colons you have.
Yeah I bet... In 12 years Mother Nature can be a b****. Ugh... I'm way down here and I know Mother Nature can be a b**** some years.
Last year up north that was a fail. All the forest fire Smoke From Out West covering the upper Michigan. My plants didn't do for s***. From clone to clone identical that I grew down here and that I grew up north the yield was very small up there but the bud actually was pretty good. There's something to be said about stressing your plants during flower it does create a sweeter better bud I'm a pretty much a firm believer in that now.
those are some nice colons you have.
Yeah I bet... In 12 years Mother Nature can be a b****. Ugh... I'm way down here and I know Mother Nature can be a b**** some years.
Last year up north that was a fail. All the forest fire Smoke From Out West covering the upper Michigan. My plants didn't do for s***. From clone to clone identical that I grew down here and that I grew up north the yield was very small up there but the bud actually was pretty good. There's something to be said about stressing your plants during flower it does create a sweeter better bud I'm a pretty much a firm believer in that now.
Stressors are always firing off up here. Outdoor buds are generally smaller than greenhouse, not always though. and yields are generally low compared. They struggle to finish because they are maturing in the worst weather. If the outdoor plants get enough sun, frost and potency will be at least equal to greenhouse. Some years it seem not even worth it. Always hoping for the good year, payoff big time.......
LSD gets her 'shine' on...............

Day before yesterday pic, and found first BR. No PM entire grow, and my yard is full of it. With mature buds her vig is dropping off and she is vulnerable.
Harvested yesterday, D99, 48", trimmed and ready........

Nothing airy fairy about her. Tight, sticky, finger hashy.
much respect to this girl
give n me what I need
in an environment
not meant to please