Indoor Tonk's First Grow - White Widow Max, Big Bud, AK47 in Coco

22 July Update

I'm back home! And holy crapballs, there's like a forest of weed now. Lupin has been a great plant parent in my absence. Goddamn it smells!

Luna, Nancy, and Bruce are all about the same height atm. I'm really surprised by the amount of bud sites considering I did 0 training. There is a big distance between the top buds and the lower ones, understandably since there was no LST. But I still think they'll turn out pretty good for a first grow. Here's some pics :D

22JUL three 1.jpg

22JUL three 2.jpg

Nancy and Luna
22JUL Nanc and Luna.jpg

22JUL Bruce.jpg

I'm still leaning towards thinking Nancy is the other Big Bud, Luna is the White Widow Max, and Chip is the AK47 since they're sposed to stay smaller. But who the hell knows.

Chip has been trouble since the pre-flowering started, so sensitive. However the clawing hasn't gotten any worse since 3 weeks ago and I guess we can't fix what already happened, so I don't think I need to do anything different... feel free to correct me!

22 JUL Chip.jpg

She stopped growing upwards a day or two ago, just waiting for the other younger girls to stop so I can change out the MH globe for the HPS. Lupin started adding the MonstaBud about 5 days ago and the girls seems to love it!

I also got paid out all my leave from my last job, and used some of that to go on an ebay shopping spree. Within the week I should have a tent and various other supplies so I'll make another update when I'm set up! :D Keen to get the carbon filter going... my folks wanted to come round for coffee today and I had to tell them to meet me at the pub. :yoinks::gassy:
1 August Update - 7 weeks from seed

Morning all!

Things have progressed a fair bit, getting towards the pointy end of things. I got my tent a week ago, here she was in all her glory!

25JUL Tent.jpg
25JUL Tent2.jpg

I love my tent. I also love my carbon filter. Makes soooo much difference!

Anywho, bad news first. I think I killed Bruce Buffer the Big Bud. The bastard just wouldn't stop growing up into the light! Long after the other girls stopped he just kept getting bigger. I was not prepared for this, should have done some ore rearranging to get him down lower while leaving the others at the right height. Sigh. Live and learn.

Bruce 31 July.
31JUL Bruce1.jpg
31JUL Bruce2.jpg

He looks so sad.

I figure I'll just keep on keeping on and see how he turns out anyway. For science.

On to the good news! :D I've rethought my guesses on what strains I have going on, mainly based on Luna going mental in her flowering stretch and ruining my theory. What a ho. Luna is a bit behind the others, but she still pretty.

Luna 31 July - I now think she's the other Big Bud Auto.
31JUL Luna1.jpg

31JUL Luna2.jpg
31JUL Luna3.jpg

Nancy is coming along really nicely, I reckon she's the White Widow Max Auto.

31JUL Nancy1.jpg
31JUL Nancy2.jpg

And last we have Chip, who I still think is the AK47 Auto. She's so awesome.

31JUL Chip1.jpg
31JUL Chip2.jpg

Those are my girls! Sad about Bruce, but can't win em all. And Chip makes me happy so it all evens out.

Tonks out!
Looking good! I have 3 Big Bud Autos from MSNL that are up next. I'm at day 57 on my current MSNL Grow and the GDP Autos are ready to come down any day now. Seems MSNL Autos are pretty close to the time frame they give so far.
Looking very good. White Widow is one of my all time favorites. :pass:
Looking good! I have 3 Big Bud Autos from MSNL that are up next. I'm at day 57 on my current MSNL Grow and the GDP Autos are ready to come down any day now. Seems MSNL Autos are pretty close to the time frame they give so far.

Sadly tragedy has struck! I've lost both my Big Buds :( Down to ineptitude though, I'm sure yours will be great :) I'm keeping an eye on those GDPs, I was thinking of getting some!

I think having them in such small pots (4L) for a plant that gets so big really screwed the whole thing up. Bruce had been a lost cause for a while, he was upset early on and just ever got any bulk happening with the flowers. Also he was STILL getting taller! Luna was doing really well until two days ago. Just after my last post I switched from Pure Water to tap water. I left each bucket out for 48 hours to evaporate off anything nasty, and the EC had no reading on my meter which starts at 0.2. So I thought it would be ok - was just getting really sick of buying the heavy boxes of water every couple of days.

Anywho it seemed to be going fine for a couple of days, til Luna died overnight. Like, literally overnight. She looked perfectly healthy then the next morning all her leaves crumbled at a touch. Sigh. I tried to nurse her through it, obviously switched back to the pure water and gave everyone a nice flush (Chip has started to yellow also and Nancy had a bit of tip burn) then eased the nutes back in. But no dice, and tbh even if she did recover the yields would be shithouse. SO in a very cathartic move I dumped Bruce and Luna. Gonna make some cannabutter out of them I think! Hopefully they wont be entirely useless.

Luna, just casually breaking my heart.
Luna 07JUL.jpg


And yes, I have now ordered an RO filter so this doesn't happen again. :p No idea why I didn't do that earlier, guess I thought they'd be more expensive than $200. Live and learn!

Chip and Nancy are both doing great! I had to stake Chip cause he's all wobbly which is cool. :D I've started his final flush - trichomes are looking cloudy but still lots of white pistils. I really have no idea when to start Nancy's flush - maybe on Sunday when she's 9 weeks from seed?

Nancy 07JUL 1.jpg

Nancy again. Cause she so pretty.
Nancy 07JUL 2.jpg

Chip 07JUL.jpg

P.S I've started my next grow now that Bruce and Luna are out of the way. 3 x 11L fabric pots this time, MSNL autos - White LSD, Caramelicious, and Lemon OG.