Indoor Tonk's First Grow - White Widow Max, Big Bud, AK47 in Coco

Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White LSD
Hi guys!

So this is my first grow - I'm 3 weeks in so starting this journal a little late. I have one elsewhere but I'm after more auto-specific advice and this place seems awesome :D

The Set Up
Medium: Coco Coir 70%, Perlite 30%.
Pots: Plastic 5L (Next time I'd go 10L at least - pots were purchased before I realised the lady at the local hydro store gives terrible advice :( )
Seeds: MSNL 2x Big Bud, 1 x White Widow Max, 1 x AK47
Light: 600W - currently running MH but will switch to my HPS for flowering. Digital ballast.
Fan: Good ol' fashioned pedestal fan.
Nutrifield - Coco A&B, Rootbooster
Ozi Magic - MonstaBud

The Road So Far
I had a wee tanty during the germination after I thought I killed the 3 seeds I started with, and while I did save them, I don't know which is which. I also started a backup Big Bud during said tantrum so now I have 4 plants. I named the definite BB Bruce Buffer. The others are Chip, Nancy, and Luna. I think Nancy is the other BB but no idea about the other two. Oh well!

They seemed to start quite slow and pale. This was around 9 days after germination.

So I've been steadily upping the nutes, and they've been responding really well. Yesterday I did a bit of a flush with just CalMag as Nancy was showing signs of grumpiness. Will go back to 1.5mL/L on the A&B later today and see how they do. Anyway, here's how they look atm :)

I'm going to set up a second tray today so I can spread them out a little more, is getting crowded!

This is Chip, the eldest. Day 23 from germinating. She has pistils! :D

Luna, Day 22

Bruce, Day 21

Nancy, Day 22.
She has me a little worried with the leaves curling up and whatnot. Any ideas?

I'm a total newb so happy for any advice! Unless it involves spending money as I'm tapped til next payday :p I am super keen to get a tent to make the environment easier to control, but it will have to wait til the next grow.

My water always goes in at 5.5 - 6.0pH, usually sits bang on 5.8. I use Pure Water (no chlorine or anything). My coco perlite was from a premix bag. It's bloody freezing here so I've been running a heater most of the time (not pointing at the plants), and I use a humidifier when needed to counteract the dry air from the heater. It's usually 26C in the room. I like to sit there cause it's so much warmer than the rest of the house lol.
hi and welcome :pass:
a tad pale but could be the light.the curl i was gona say heat,but now im not sure.could it get colder at lights off ?
have a look around,if you get lost pop into live stoners to get pointed in the right direction.
good luck,keep er lit.
Cheers mate :)
I was thinking heat too! I moved the fan a bit closer this morning, if that helps then I guess that's the answer, hope it's that easy.

I was thinking about moving the light up a bit? They've grown up into it so now sitting about 15 inches away, so maybe back to 18 inches - seems an ok distance for the 600 MH?
I thought I was the only one who received things by owl post. Welcome Tonks!
Cheers Micron! Haha owl post beats AusPost every time. :biggrin: :d5:

yep raise the light and a lil extra air should do the trick.

Shall do then! Once my other half Lupin is home from uni he can raise the light. I'm vertically challenged :p
Welcome to AFN! :welcome:
I got an easier way for you to upload your pictures, I did the same thing your doing and posted them to my album. It has limited space and will fill up fast. To avoid that click the "Upload a File" button to the right of "Post Reply" button.

Subbing up:pop:
I have a single photo a Big Bud from Medical seeds out of Spain. Who's the breeder of yours?
Welcome to AFN! :welcome:
I got an easier way for you to upload your pictures, I did the same thing your doing and posted them to my album. It has limited space and will fill up fast. To avoid that click the "Upload a File" button to the right of "Post Reply" button.

Subbing up:pop:
I have a single photo a Big Bud from Medical seeds out of Spain. Who's the breeder of yours?

Oh cheers! That's way easier. Uploading to the album was a bitch.

Got mine from MSNL, I think they only sell their own strains? Shipping got here no dramas and pretty quick all things considered, so pretty happy with them. :)
8 July Update

So things are going well! Girls are growing fast and strong. Chip is a little sad - was showing signs of nitrogen toxicity with the whole claw thing going on. Top right in the group shot. I gave her plain water yesterday and it hasn't gottten worse so I'm hoping she picks up. But the others are doing great!

8JUL All.jpg

Nancy and Chip are both getting lots of white hairs, just waiting on Bruce and Luna to catch up.

So tomorrow I have to leave my babies for 2 weeks for new job training. I've made lots of checklists and set everything up nicely so my dear Lupin should have no problems taking care of them. Can't half tell I used to teach :p

8JUL Nutes.jpg

Also the bunny tried to get into the grow room this morning, then started eating the door when I told him to bugger off. Silly bunny. :p

8JUL Bunny.jpg
15 July Update
Hey guys

So I'm still interstate on business and missing my babies, but Lupin is doing a wonderful job! Chip is still being difficult but I think we'll muddle through. She's still clawing but her growth is good. Lupin has been alternating plain water and nutes with her but nothing really seems to fix it, so any suggestions would be great!


Chip is front left :)