Tobacco Mosaic Virus?!!


Trying my best to learn as much as possible.
Oct 25, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Blue dream - HSO
Has anyone seen or experienced this? I have it on a few different strains, one photo and two autos from different breeders. It appears to be tobacco mosaic virus, but the more I read on that, the harder it is to believe that outcome as it is supposed to be very rare. Thanks for any help you can give. Frustrating.
This is far from TMV. There has never been a documented case of TMV in a cannabis plant. That looks like a hungry plant leaf.
This is far from TMV. There has never been a documented case of TMV in a cannabis plant. That looks like a hungry plant leaf.
Thanks!! Yeah man, it's so utterly confusing, reading up on it. What in your opinion is this? I've seen it on multiple plants of mine, but not all. I cant imagine it's over/under feeding though. I'm 3 gal fabric, at 2 grams mega crop/gal, 1 gram of bud candy(always forget the damn name, greenleaf stuff), well water(decent overall quality) and about 2-3ml/gal blue planet cal mag. Under spider farmer sf 1000's running two in a 2*4 typically add a third at flower, but not there yet. Pretty steady 50ish%rh, temp stays(day and night) around 68-74F. I'm all ears. Here's another shot of an auto critical that's splotchy for lack of a better term at the moment. Thanks to any all help and advice.
Also, the pics do not quite show the contrast on the leaves as dramatic as in person. But at least a broader shot of another plant with very similar issues. They next to each other for the first 3 weeks.
What soil/medium? What ph are you feeding at?
Oh sorry man. Also I'm running mammoth p and recharge as well with the mega crop. Coco Loco, hand watering at 6.2-6.6 varying.
Hey, and thanks proph. I'm pulling my hair out. All the research I have done has led me to TMV, and I can say, online, those are the only pics that show what I'm seeing. I hope that's not the end result here, but thats where I'm at. Thanks a ton for anything you can find.
Sorry, im blabbing, just want to give details. But I have noticed it in my last grow. Ran 12 bum wine autos. It was on a few. Now it states that TMV will or should slow growth. I did not see that. It basically seems to stay with that rough leaf look. Though I battled some light burn, I thought, and a cal/mag issue on a few. I did not think to tie the two together so im not sure if those were the plants with the leaf issues. Just another detail I'd share. Have seen it before, could not say it effected much more than the look of leaves. I honestly thought it was a little too much UV, as hars as that is to believe with the uv sup I have. Anyway, thanks proph and anyone else who would like to step up. I'm ready to have this figured out, preferably without tossing and sterilizing more of my life than my wife currently makes me do. Hahaha.
Lol.. Stop with all this TMV stuff.. You are confusing yourself and will miss the true lesson in this experience. It's NOT TMV. There has never been a documented case of TMV in cannabis.

My opinion? After getting more info from you, it's not under feeding as I first thought. I'm definitely thinking this is a ph issue and possibly the start of a nutrient lock out. You're growing in coco loco and adding just about every single additive you could possibly add. Coco loco, is coco, amended coco. It already has a source for most of the things you're adding. You are feeding at a soil ph, which is the 6-6.5 range (most use 6.3) The ph range for coco is 5.5-6.0 (most use 5.8). The bright yellow twisted new growth hints to a ph issue. The light green spots look like the start of a magnesium deficiency. Keep in mind that a "deficiency" does not always mean "add more".. Also keep in mind that too much calcium can lock out magnesium, and vise versa..

I would start by checking the ph of the medium. If you have a soil ph probe, that's great.. If not, I recommend getting one.. worst case you can check the ph of the run off. And with all of that line up that you are feeding with, I would check the ppm of your feeds and of the run off. If you have a ppm meter, great! If not, I recommend getting one. The issues may get worse pretty quickly if the true issue isn't found, so you have to do a diagnostic look over. And that starts with checking the basics like ph and ppm of both the medium and of the nutrient mixture you use.
You da man! Thanks for giving me this kind of your time good sir. I get what you're saying on the feeding. As far additives. I was thinking that as well. This is my first FULL run with mega crop. Normally I don't start feeding my autos until, usually, full blown flower. At least with coco loco. But it was recommended to me that I begin about week 2ish with 1 gram mega, half gram of the candy, more for the microbes at this point I believe is why that additive was recommended so early. But I have seen quite a few mega crop runs where they too started with low dose candy as well. The mammoth p is every watering, recommended dose. I believe it's half ml per gal. The recharge is every other watering at the half teaspoon per gal rate. Their "normal" dosage I believe. And the cal mag, my thoughts there are honestly, I had a mean cal mag issue last grow. I have been under the impression through the years that, to an extent obviously, you can't really give too much cal mag. Again, for the general public, TO AN EXTENT. haha. Anyway. So that's mostly out of fear. New home new well water thing. So that's my thoughts and/or reasoning to the feeding.
With coco loco, honestly, I have found that a lower to mid 6 ph is right on. Reasoning, at least in my head, is that it ultimately is a soil, just a coco based rather than peat, say like ocean forest. Again, that's in my head and kind of what I've seen works with it. I have tried running lower, as what you should with coco, and did not have good results almost immediately. But I completely understand and agree with what you're saying there.
Now with that all being said. I agree with you and that was my first thought. I have not checked runoff on them yet, as for me, they are just now large enough not to drown them in their 3 gals. I plan on running a few tests over the this week. I'm not giving up on these ladies. Hey man, I can not tell you thank you enough for your time and help here. And I hope we're not done communicating. I'm hoping, that the over abundance of soil microbes I apparently love to straight pump into this coco loco hahaha, that it is having a drastic effect on water/soil ph. If you follow me there. I'd like to let you know how it goes from here, if you don't mind? I'm going to run straight ph adjusted water through, not so much a flush, but I'd like to see some decent runoff from the center under the pot if you know what I mean. I'm going to check ph on the first bit of run off, vs the last. Compare, think, laugh. Then report back here what I'm finding. Then repeat that in a few days when the next good watering is needed. My guess, 4-5 days ath this height and condition in their playroom. Ha. What do think about that plan?