New Grower To trim or not to trim??? Help

For me, if it's ALL green it stays. Mostly, anyway. But then again, I experiment with stuff. Right now I've got two solar storm 440's in fixed position in my room serving 29 plants.

Lots of suggestions that the light is good for up to maybe four plants. :)


And little to not plucking, training or other modification. I'll find out whether it means larf city or easy street soon enough. :)

Nothing appears overly stretched, light starved or nutrient deficient at this point. :)

I am at home all day so I can't resist snipping them..........then OCD kicks in........very dangerous for the girls.............:baked:

Only way to tell is take two nearly identical plants in the same grow and defoliate one and don't defoliate the other ... I don't because from my understanding of the science it doesn't help the yield ... back when I used to lose a lot of leaves to deficiencies I would remove the dead ones but now I seldom lose a leaf until just before harvest ... I'm under the impression that light penetrates leaves so I subscribe to the theory that if the leaf is green it stays ...

Great idea @Chester!!........:headbang:

In hind sight why didn't I think of this.....:wall:
So I did my first experimenting on defoliation of photos last season after reading a great thread on one of the nasty sites regarding defoliation and I have to have the results were quite staggering on my outdoor girls. Not sure it means anything though as its just my opinion, but I know I will be doing it again this year at pre flower. My smallest yield on my outdoor girls last season beat my best ever record, and I witnessed first hand how effective a full fan defoliation on a branch can be assuming the available nutrient diet is rich and plentiful. I literally watched the defoliated main branch form flowers quicker than other branches with intact leaves, some even more developed than the defoliated branches. I am not a scientist, but I certainly do observe results!
I think its essential that we keep experimenting and trying new techniques. And I also believe that defoliation can be poorly executed just like any other technique like transplanting or LST training.

Not for the good of a weed free nation or continent, but for the good of a weed free world, unite and grow for a better, kinder planet.
Everybody has something that works best for you, not everyone grows the same way. You can follow tang's feeding schedules and use the exact same strain and still not get his results. The plant and the person have a relationship and the growth of the plant is a result of that bond. It will take years to work out all the kinks, and eventually you'll be a master in your own craft. However, people will always argue the opposites of your methods, even the people who are asking for advice. The good thing, is that we as a community can put out all the information that works for all different types, and the people searching for advice, who are willing to experiment, can and will find exactly what works best for them.

P.S. Pluck em!!!
Everybody has something that works best for you, not everyone grows the same way. You can follow tang's feeding schedules and use the exact same strain and still not get his results. The plant and the person have a relationship and the growth of the plant is a result of that bond. It will take years to work out all the kinks, and eventually you'll be a master in your own craft. However, people will always argue the opposites of your methods, even the people who are asking for advice. The good thing, is that we as a community can put out all the information that works for all different types, and the people searching for advice, who are willing to experiment, can and will find exactly what works best for them.

P.S. Pluck em!!!

Have to toss you max rep for that excellent post. You are so right regarding all points.
Ok AFs vary , you'll grow some that are just as a specs say, and some that surpasses the specs given . BUT you need to keep in mind the geno. lets say you get a 3 pack of some AFs seeds of the same breed, for example Pakistan ryder a bitchen AF , I grew 2 side by side in a large DWC res, the specs say from 15 to 30 inches in 55 days from seed to harvest, well one got to 19in and the other grew to be 39 inches. the 19 incher was done before the 39 incher, and it took around 60 days for the small one and 110 days for the big one, I had no need to trim the smaller one ,HOWEVER I had to trim out a lot of under growth and quite a few large Fan leaves on the big one a few times during its grow, the buds were massive. The thing is if you trim your AF make sure its well into its growth and do not go trim crazy , keep in mind they will stretch a little , so if your grow is about a month old and has surpassed its specs , then yes trim it a lil bit, but like I said do not over do it cuz it'll stunt the growth and you'll end up with a crappy plant and hard work down the drain. I know they don't like to be transplanted it slows them down because they have to reaclimate themselves. so best start out with a 4 gal bucket or bag AFs roots grow down and long in dirt so keep that in mind when you put them in a container, if yer doing dirt and a decent sized ( YET MEAGER ) res for hydro grow..that just my 2 cents and I'm sticking to it hahaha
Everybody has something that works best for you, not everyone grows the same way. You can follow tang's feeding schedules and use the exact same strain and still not get his results. The plant and the person have a relationship and the growth of the plant is a result of that bond. It will take years to work out all the kinks, and eventually you'll be a master in your own craft. However, people will always argue the opposites of your methods, even the people who are asking for advice. The good thing, is that we as a community can put out all the information that works for all different types, and the people searching for advice, who are willing to experiment, can and will find exactly what works best for them.

P.S. Pluck em!!!
After everything I`ve read, I would not remove leaves. They store sugars needed for energy to produce flowers & buds +you stress a plant.