I’m curious about the size of the auto and if there’s anything I can do about the size, when it goes to flower will it double in size? I’ve seen really tiny autos and it’s sad , just hope I haven’t hurt the plants chances of being all it could be. How much is due to the genetics of the seed company? If that’s the case we can’t do ANYTHING right?
Hello There PJ! ^_^
Auto sizes: So ... sometimes it goes down to genetics, for example there are "dwarf" strains that you'd expect to stay small ... but mostly these days, you're looking at about 1 meter + tall depending on genetics , but also environment.
One of the big mistakes that leads to small autos is a bad start. A bad 20 days of not getting the seedling water/feed and environment/light right.
Getting a good 20 start should set you up for success. In my setup, i'd want the leaves to reach the edge of my pot by day 20.
If you have too little light intensity, they'll typically stretch, have wide nodal spacing and not be vigourous.
Too much light intensity can encourage them not to stretch and have tight nodal spacing (can lead to small er bushy plants)
So it's partly down to knowing your equipment, which most people do by keeping notes of their grows and making adjustments on the next until they're happy with the results.
There's probably a way of measuring Light Intensity / DLI / Par (i'm no scientist) with meters, and that could lead to a scientific conclusion of exact light height at various stages of growth - which "should" take care of all the plants lighting needs .
THere'll be other factors to factor in - Temps, humidity, air exchange, and correct nutrition.
Once that's all dialed in .. if a plant turns out small .. you can be quite confident that it's genetics or at least a phenotype of the gentics you're using.
edit: Ugh .. just realised that everyones answered this post already lol .. and the real question is ... how long does it take from 12/12 to see flowering.
I had one that didnt auto - here is my journal from day 2 of 12/12
It took me about 12 days to start flowering and 19 to see buds!
Hope this helps
Blue ^_^