New Grower To auto or not to auto that is the question

Some of us auto lovers speak from the 'lowryder' forums and so very little information anywhere....when joint doctor's lowryder and mossy's purple jems started my adventure in the auto world after years of outside farming and hiding all your shit for months. It was the lack of light requirements and size that first got my interest and easier to hide...
Then as auto caught on, every breeder jumped in...therein lies the deviation we all get sometimes.
Everyone here is glad to have a forum dedicated to the little ones and we all can find more objective views on our own subject matter. Sometimes it's like picking pepper out of fly shit.
I used to think autos died by a certain date, I used to think airy fluffy auto bud was normal. I used to believe all the stereotypes that you hear… no let me rephrase that…. That you heard about auto flowers.
And you know what?¿ my airy fluffy bud showed that I believe all that misinformation.
My bud changed when I stopped listening to others, and stopped copying what others do, and started growing for my self.
Hell yeah it took a while, but I learned for myself how to produce a successful auto flower harvest.
Don’t give up brother. Get you some more beans… pay more than a $ingle for them. And tame that mean ole auto flower that’s giving you the business.
WAIT ……..You mean to tell me autos won’t die on you because of genetics? So your saying the plant won’t die on a schedule like they are supposed to flower? I need to do more research (which means horticulture not YouTube and some guy making video from his apartment grow tent) and find out more about this plant. I do have to admit, regardless of my issues as a home grower, the nuts and bolts of all this is fascinating, I’m digging it. Finding real truth in the world is like finding an actual diamond, very very difficult. But I’ll look into this, BUT I still can’t see the upside of autos other than variety, like I said if you can flower photos anytime you want, why auto and their issues.
Some of us auto lovers speak from the 'lowryder' forums and so very little information anywhere....when joint doctor's lowryder and mossy's purple jems started my adventure in the auto world after years of outside farming and hiding all your shit for months. It was the lack of light requirements and size that first got my interest and easier to hide...
Then as auto caught on, every breeder jumped in...therein lies the deviation we all get sometimes.
Everyone here is glad to have a forum dedicated to the little ones and we all can find more objective views on our own subject matter. Sometimes it's like picking pepper out of fly shit.
Picking pepper out of fly shit lol, I love it.
Since just finishing a pretty good photo run I'm ready to get back to keeping my light schedule instead of my plants....less space means growing in my bedroom and I'm old and get cranky when I don't get enough sleep.
Okay folks, today starts Week 9 Critical Purple auto from growers choice seed bank, sent from Cali.
This strain according to them, the ones who made it, but blames all issues on the grower of course, is supposed to be harvested bythe end of week 11, not.
This is day 4 after switching to 12/12 to try to make the auto start flowering and here’s where we are today. Now the first pic is the top of The Critical Purple auto, second pic Blue Dream Photo. As you can see, the photo switched and now is in flower, but the auto? Nope. But I will wait STILL, for my “Autoflower”, lol. I just don’t get it.


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Autos, just like any other plant can enter into a suspended state. They will stay suspended until conditions get better. This can last 2 or more weeks easily.
The 2 most critical times of suspension is the transition and the ripening stage.
Many times when people think thier auto is either finished or dead, it is actually in stasis.
It’s the reason many people choose organics when growing autos..
Autos, just like any other plant can enter into a suspended state. They will stay suspended until conditions get better. This can last 2 or more weeks easily.
The 2 most critical times of suspension is the transition and the ripening stage.
Many times when people think thier auto is either finished or dead, it is actually in stasis.
It’s the reason many people choose organics when growing autos..
Wow, that’s interesting. I’m just running out of time, 1 reason is because the Blue Dream photo will fill the grow tent easily if this damn thing doesn’t get on with it. There’s going to be a point of no return soon, once the blue dream starts to blow up that spells doom for the auto. If I have one that’s blowin up and going to get a good yield from and then I have a stubborn ass auto……well
I understand your point of views for photos vs autos completely.
Just wanted to add that years ago i bought some Growers Choice Autos and they were so inconsistent. I had low germination rates, weird growth, long autoflower(over 100 days), and autos that were photos. On top of that when i conversed with the company about problems, they were unsympathetic. In my opinion, customer service moto seemed to be it's the customers fault. Try some good genetics. Do a search here for sponsored breeders. There are some outstanding auto breeders here who sponsor growers. "The thing" about autos, as you well know, they are like a fused stick of dynamite, in terms of growth, and you are on their schedule and it better not be interrupted, or your results will not be optimum. At times, they can be a high maintenance bitch, compared to an old hen who knows what she wants.
you spoke the truth.
This one i grew, 3 beans gave me 3 different height plants with different finishing times. Was a little over 100 days. The best looking one was the one, I chopped at 120 days. And I assure you that it wasn’t ready. I got tired of waiting on it and said forget it.
I grew 4 more. They did the same as the first 3, different finishing time and different heights. When I thought it was my mistakes, my second round with it showed me that it was the plants.
Just like my man above said, you have to adhere to what they like. I’ll tell you, doing something that it dislikes can cost you 2 weeks or more.
If he was to try that same strain in a water only, I’ll bet he would see a huge difference.
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Hey all, its really interesting to see this conversation. It is something that we as breeders have to try and combat, both in terms of quality assurance and of informing the wider public on how different genetic lines can perform. Autoflowering genetics have been around now for long enough that we have worked out what we can get them to do but also where their limits are. There is still a lot of misinformation about autos floating around and unfortunately there are a lot of shady pollen chuckers calling themselves "breeders" who make claims that are down right bullshit. We strive for stability first and foremost in our genetics, homogeneity would be amazing, but it is not acheivable with modern hybrids.
If you are getting germination rates less than 80%, get the breeder to replace them, if you get 5 different phenos from 5 seeds, get the breeder to replace them. At the end of the day it is our job to supply you with the best quality, that way you'll come back and tell your friends. If we can't do that we don't deserve your business.
just my 2 cents.
Hey all, its really interesting to see this conversation. It is something that we as breeders have to try and combat, both in terms of quality assurance and of informing the wider public on how different genetic lines can perform. Autoflowering genetics have been around now for long enough that we have worked out what we can get them to do but also where their limits are. There is still a lot of misinformation about autos floating around and unfortunately there are a lot of shady pollen chuckers calling themselves "breeders" who make claims that are down right bullshit. We strive for stability first and foremost in our genetics, homogeneity would be amazing, but it is not acheivable with modern hybrids.
If you are getting germination rates less than 80%, get the breeder to replace them, if you get 5 different phenos from 5 seeds, get the breeder to replace them. At the end of the day it is our job to supply you with the best quality, that way you'll come back and tell your friends. If we can't do that we don't deserve your business.
just my 2 cents.
Dan thank you for your input as a breeder, I guess like any business there is a % of hacks in whatever industry your in. Like I said, now that prohibition is falling down, to keep the hacks out of the breeding business, you guys should move to a grade system at every level so the public know the risks with each facility.
The rating would be like the USDA grades beef, the same reason a Lincoln costs more than a Nissan Sentra. Just like restaurants are graded by Michelin guide, and the only way to improve your grade is through several factors, organic/consumer ratings/terpenes/THC levels/genetics and on, to come up with a grade for the business. I think this “inspection” team would be made up of award winning breeders, Cannabis Dr.s, horticulture experts. I think by doing this you guys would FORCE crappy companies to clean up their act or suffer a low grade for quality. Especially, now that the market is opening to the entire country and as you know first impressions are everything, so it’s important to be on point for all breeders, cannabis businesses, farms and the like. I was a chef in the restaurant biz and one thing that PISSES us off are hacks and people that take shortcuts for a dollar instead of taking pride in your work. I haven’t REALLY given up on autos as of yet, it’s just hard on my end to weed my way through all the BS to buy seed, and then HOPE it’s what they say. A grade of D or maybe a C when buying would tell me there’s a risk and it would make my search a lot easier AND those companies with grade A will get the lion share of the business through choice of the customers.