New Grower To auto or not to auto that is the question

Sorry, we welcome both here! I started with photos in the long ago… cuz that’s what we had. Earlier years for autos were bad from what I heard. With the right training some strains can yield 10-20 oz per plant. 4-6 of them in a 4x4 tent would be a haul in 70 days as compared to 8 wk veg and then another 3-4 month flower of as many as can fit in the same space (3-4). Also makes perpetual grows easy as you never change light cycles so you can introduce and remove plants as they sprout/finish. For me it was an easy choice, not that I won’t grow photos ever again cuz I got some good photo strains that I’m itching to try!
No I get it, I’ll just not try to buy cheap seeds again and really drill down to find decent reputable company with genetics. No one seems to take pride in doing anything right anymore, least that’s the way it appears to me. I’m a bit older, been medicating since 1975, seems like more crap is being produced that costs MORE and I always seem to get less. Anyway enough negativity, the faulty one you shown is smaller than mine (auto) and yet has more buds than most autos I’ve seen because more people around the globe are getting shitty results than there are people getting great results, that’s just a fact. But thanks for your input, I’ll grow one nice photo early flower it in the same time as an auto and STILL have more bud than if I’d grown an auto. I realize it’s just not worth the time for my money to deal with BS when buying autos, when in the same time or maybe 2-3 weeks later I’ll have a good harvest, 3 times the amount, no BS AND I can clone it and keep going. If there’s one thing this grow taught me it’s to walk away from BS auto seeds unless I really get a good company. I work to hard for my money to just give it away and then damn near have to go to court to get results.
Not doubting you, but on what do you base that conclusion?
Well, without actually any concrete numbers globally (which would probably take at least 3 years to get even close to a number) to me it’s pretty evident, photos have ALWAYS been here, autos (genetics) is somewhat new and still there isn’t any guarantee WITH them but for germination which can’t tell you shit until you go into flower to see if there is any issue barring any bad growing habits, overwatering etc , so we know there are less auto seeds because it’s difficult to get any in a timely manner, much less any that are good genetics, it’s clearly a roll of the dice, that’s it. But the HUGE difference no one seems to worry about is the life span of an auto. It’s not like a photo plant, you literally need to start flowering by week 6-7 or your running the risk of the plant just out right dying on you mid flower. So like a M.D., you look at what you know, more issues with autos, the sites themselves are full of people wanting refunds or pissed because it hasn’t arrived yet or the genetics sucked and now you get to spend the next Month going back and forth with the seed bank sending photos and explaining yourself. So with just those two issues you can narrow the field of the lifted folks and realize that photos are easier, more successful grows and yield more. It’s a no brainer for me, but just go through this site and read the problems with autos, so many they’ve made a business out of it with this website because so many people are having issues. Great website I might add, and a lot of good info in here, but that’s just how I see it. Autos shouldn’t cost what they charge until the genetics are right, it’s bs and they just want your money like I said.
yup, we be the all inclusive vagrant chill-drens of the canabinoids ......just finished a grow of photos for a friend for clones, he bailed, lots o folks got the goodies...1st smoke report from the girlfriend of a guy that got the 1st clone....."fucking awesome, stoned off my ass for 4 hours after eating everything in the house." So yeah, a lot of us jump back and forth.
Well, without actually any concrete numbers globally (which would probably take at least 3 years to get even close to a number) to me it’s pretty evident, photos have ALWAYS been here, autos (genetics) is somewhat new and still there isn’t any guarantee WITH them but for germination which can’t tell you shit until you go into flower to see if there is any issue barring any bad growing habits, overwatering etc , so we know there are less auto seeds because it’s difficult to get any in a timely manner, much less any that are good genetics, it’s clearly a roll of the dice, that’s it. But the HUGE difference no one seems to worry about is the life span of an auto. It’s not like a photo plant, you literally need to start flowering by week 6-7 or your running the risk of the plant just out right dying on you mid flower. So like a M.D., you look at what you know, more issues with autos, the sites themselves are full of people wanting refunds or pissed because it hasn’t arrived yet or the genetics sucked and now you get to spend the next Month going back and forth with the seed bank sending photos and explaining yourself. So with just those two issues you can narrow the field of the lifted folks and realize that photos are easier, more successful grows and yield more. It’s a no brainer for me, but just go through this site and read the problems with autos, so many they’ve made a business out of it with this website because so many people are having issues. Great website I might add, and a lot of good info in here, but that’s just how I see it. Autos shouldn’t cost what they charge until the genetics are right, it’s bs and they just want your money like I said.
ok, your opinion is noted...and you are certainly entitled to it. A lot of us are fully on the Auto train, a lot of us go both ways for reasons of our opinion is " it's your grow, grow it how you want it". Some fail withthe tenderist of care, some thrive being tossed out the back door on a happens in both auto and photo....and no, we don't like the price either, but then we teach ourselves about how to make our own, which leads to breeding, which eventually leads to FD, Mossy.....and a few others that worked our beloved autos into the powerhouses they are today.
ok, your opinion is noted...and you are certainly entitled to it. A lot of us are fully on the Auto train, a lot of us go both ways for reasons of our opinion is " it's your grow, grow it how you want it". Some fail withthe tenderist of care, some thrive being tossed out the back door on a happens in both auto and photo....and no, we don't like the price either, but then we teach ourselves about how to make our own, which leads to breeding, which eventually leads to FD, Mossy.....and a few others that worked our beloved autos into the powerhouses they are today.
And I do appreciate that my friend, my issue with autos at the moment is cost. It’s just not cost effective at the moment, like the success rate is sooo bad for the price they ask. Until they get a better success rate with their product they should sell it for less. I personally would like to see company’s, not only selling great flower but beans as well having a grade like the USA has for grading beef. And like beef the price would be dictated by their grade. Shitty cigarettes don’t cost the same as dunhill cigarettes for a reason, anything cannabis should be the same. It just bothers me how a lot of people (customers) get treated by BS companies selling bad seed, and it shouldn’t be this way, not with the ganja, that’s not what it’s about. Shit I give oz’s away, fuck it I’ll grow more, but greed has now crept in, sad.
I used to think autos died by a certain date, I used to think airy fluffy auto bud was normal. I used to believe all the stereotypes that you hear… no let me rephrase that…. That you heard about auto flowers.
And you know what?¿ my airy fluffy bud showed that I believe all that misinformation.
My bud changed when I stopped listening to others, and stopped copying what others do, and started growing for my self.
Hell yeah it took a while, but I learned for myself how to produce a successful auto flower harvest.
Don’t give up brother. Get you some more beans… pay more than a $ingle for them. And tame that mean ole auto flower that’s giving you the business.
And I do appreciate that my friend, my issue with autos at the moment is cost. It’s just not cost effective at the moment, like the success rate is sooo bad for the price they ask. Until they get a better success rate with their product they should sell it for less. I personally would like to see company’s, not only selling great flower but beans as well having a grade like the USA has for grading beef. And like beef the price would be dictated by their grade. Shitty cigarettes don’t cost the same as dunhill cigarettes for a reason, anything cannabis should be the same. It just bothers me how a lot of people (customers) get treated by BS companies selling bad seed, and it shouldn’t be this way, not with the ganja, that’s not what it’s about. Shit I give oz’s away, fuck it I’ll grow more, but greed has now crept in, sad.
I understand your point of views for photos vs autos completely.
Just wanted to add that years ago i bought some Growers Choice Autos and they were so inconsistent. I had low germination rates, weird growth, long autoflower(over 100 days), and autos that were photos. On top of that when i conversed with the company about problems, they were unsympathetic. In my opinion, customer service moto seemed to be it's the customers fault. Try some good genetics. Do a search here for sponsored breeders. There are some outstanding auto breeders here who sponsor growers. "The thing" about autos, as you well know, they are like a fused stick of dynamite, in terms of growth, and you are on their schedule and it better not be interrupted, or your results will not be optimum. At times, they can be a high maintenance bitch, compared to an old hen who knows what she wants.