New Grower To Auto Or Not To Auto? Stitch Blueberries -- let's see!

Damn, and the beat goes on... That plant better be giving up the goods, as long as she been going! Yeah, never bought from Stitch, and from some of the stuff I've read, unless I see a wave of absolutely positive reviews, I never will

Yeah dude, that fucking beat is getting old and monotonous. Y'kow, even when she comes down, if she ever does, she's a sati. Not fond of satis; I know people around here love 'em but that trippy shit really messes with me. I like couchlock; I'm trippy enough without help. When I toke I just wanna slow the hell down and relax. I'm gonna end up giving most of it away.

To be honest, I'd of axed the plant in it's tenth week but wanted to be fair to stitch and all following the grow. Sheesh!
Blueberry Update


Just been to see the absentee sativa. Yup, ain't stretching no more, suffered lotsa leaf dieback. All pistils died and most of lower shrapnel and foliage. Made a real mess of it that joker.

Still, she was a real hardy plant and though she took a real hit to the guts she came back and threw some new pistils and is struggling to fill the buds up. Dunno how she'll fare but it won't be for his lack of trying to make it up to me; he's practically doting on her now.

Curiously, she has nothing but a real hempy smell, no traces of trics forming, but is finally throwing single blade fans in the buds and showing finishing signs. I'll let him feed her weak nutes for another week and see if flush-time arrives. Again, sorry for no pics but that ain't my call. I've lost track how old this thing is, and don't really care so long it finishes, whenever that may be.

This Is The End, Blueberry Friend!

Howdy Folks,

Blueberry harvested at 158 days!! Sure, it's been a saga but now I have some distance from the grow -- my thoughts:

Yep, it was an auto, a super-auto (bellarama picked it early), the slowest auto in history! To be fair to stitch, the plant had much more in it than the pot size and my lazy fuck-up buddy gave it a chance to express. The story of it's abuse has already been said but it's recovery ability was amazing. Yep, it filled the buds up, lotsa sticky stuff when handled, and a real hempy smell, maybe a good cure can do something about that....

Got at least six zips of this sati gal, and she could have delivered double that, easily. So, am I happy with it, and with Stitch? Yes and no. Nice plant, not an indica dom blueberry, perfect outdoor strain, a horror in my tiny cab. As for Stitch -- I still think his current gear is hit and miss, auto-wise and strain-wise. The man obviously has some skills but his business ethics don't match his breeding ability. I still think it's buyer beware with his gear. That's all I'll say on that. Now for the pics:
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One look at the pot will demonstrate that after the third month this poor gal never had a chance to properly finish (I can't find any coco below the first inch or so, just roots). As for my fuck-up buddy, I'll forgive him, in time, but I'll never trust him with any of my gals again; ya live and learn.
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I'll maybe throw some dry bud shots up when they're cured and a smoke report, maybe, but till then I'll consider this thread closed.

On a positive note, while cleaning her up I've discovered even more, dozens and dozens, of healthy seeds in the early buds. The Onyx I reversed blew some of it's load before I removed it and gave me a wonderful cross. If y'all wanna see what this sati's daughters look like, hit the 'Freedom Grow' tab in my signature. They're to die for, and make up for the nightmare this caper has been. Thanx for looking in and for all the support people. Stay happy and stay high!

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Congrats South, That was a good ending. I didn't think that was going to end up well.
Congrats South, That was a good ending. I didn't think that was going to end up well.

I know bro. It coulda been much better though. Waiting to clear the tent of some killer little ladies I got half way done (hit Freedom Grow in the signature) then I'm popping some Mephisto 24 Carat, yup took your advice and got me some!

:slap: Awesome amount there! Was a lot of work, but you did not give up :)

Thanx man. I don't quit easy, but sometimes it's the smart thing to do -- I coulda had another harvest out in the time that bitch wasted -- and I don't even like sativa bud!

Beautiful Blueberry South Syder!!!
I have to chime in and say I had a 10 pack of regular Russian Rocket Fuel and they all turned out to be female. I wanted to breed regular auto seeds being that they are hard to find.
There were three phenotypes one very sativa stretching 1.2 meter in a 11 liter pot.
The second was a amazing blueberry soapy indica pheno the only worth keeping.
Third was a pheno that actually streatched 4.5 meter and never flowered even with 12 hours of daylight.
I used C.S and crossed the blueberry soap pheno and the offspring are now stable and all autoflower. It's just sad that I could fix the problem by crossing only two plants.
If you guys find some stable regular auto seeds please let me know ^___^
Beautiful Blueberry South Syder!!!
I have to chime in and say I had a 10 pack of regular Russian Rocket Fuel and they all turned out to be female. I wanted to breed regular auto seeds being that they are hard to find.
There were three phenotypes one very sativa stretching 1.2 meter in a 11 liter pot.
The second was a amazing blueberry soapy indica pheno the only worth keeping.
Third was a pheno that actually streatched 4.5 meter and never flowered even with 12 hours of daylight.
I used C.S and crossed the blueberry soap pheno and the offspring are now stable and all autoflower. It's just sad that I could fix the problem by crossing only two plants.
If you guys find some stable regular auto seeds please let me know ^___^

Hey Nika, a good regular auto strain is Lowryder seeds Diesel Ryder. Very uniform, nice and potent. Yeah, I too, though accidentally, made some respectable crosses between reversed Onyx and this Blueberry -- and they kick ass. Dunno if all will be like the three I'm growing but if so -- happy days!