Tired of dechlorinating your tap water ?

@MesaBoogie I have spent a fair bit bit of time researching the subject and I have come to the conclusion to be on the safe side . I have the room to have many liters of water stored to have the Chlorine evaporate off -- just in case -- :biggrin: The big tank in the photo is what I use for cannabis growing , it has fish in it . Good discussion guys . :thumbsup:
I add clorox every day to my dwc reservoirs to prevent root rot.
The plants don't even notice.
The main reason to NOT use tap water isn't the chlorine, it's the unknown things, like petroleum-related substances, antibiotics, hormones, etc, that probably aren't even tested for.
Never had any issues and I've always used my tap water. Shit I don't even oh anymore I got tired of it lol .

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Get a microscope to see for yourself. I have made AACT with straight tap water, tap water that was aerated for 24 hours and distilled. They were all prepared the same way and bubbled the same amount of time. I could not see any difference between them. FYI humic acid will complex chlorine and chloramine and heavy metals for that matter and render them inert.
I add clorox every day to my dwc reservoirs to prevent root rot.
The plants don't even notice.
The main reason to NOT use tap water isn't the chlorine, it's the unknown things, like petroleum-related substances, antibiotics, hormones, etc, that probably aren't even tested for.

I may be mistaken but r/o does not remove antibiotics, hormones, and stuff.
Yes it is being tested for but not reported on.......

Seems to be just another gardening myth to me. It would be more relevant in hydro. In soil there are buffers and organic acids that self regulate the environment to an extent. Barring any extremes of course.

Hydro or soil
The sanitizing agents really are not that big of a deal that the cannibuscannibus stoner community has built it up to be.
(Please note: I am not includeing those who are chemical intolerant. That's a horse of a different color...).
Calcium and mag is another story
Again I will say
It's a choice, not a must
Myth busted!!!!
( I love that myth buster show!!!)

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