Tincture Thread

I made a batch with some Forgotten Cookies yesterday. This time I only took 1ml, and the effects were very different to the Fugue State. Maybe it was the dosage, but this was very 'up' and enrgetic. Very clear for thinking, no lack of focus. It took me a while to get to sleep though, my mind wouldn't shut down, but slept like a baby when I finally did nod off. Very different experience compared to my 2ml Fugue State headslap introduction

Yeah there we go!! Definitely will find a mix of effects. Some you might like at high dose, and certainly some you will not. Please keep updating with dose changes and effect variance. I want to start keeping a log of my detailed effects. Some varieties i can function quite well on even on high dose of 3-3.5ml.

A couple of days ago i woke up with tons of pain, but i had a bunch of work i really wanted(no, not wanted, needed) to accomplish. I toked, but found myself very hard to get motivated while fighting with the pain. I said screw it i need to get it done even through intense pain, and my day was starting off rather shitty. I took 3.5ml of durrty dragon tincture and smoked a second joint. The waves of relaxation with a strong blissful feeling took over an hour later, and i had a good day, putting in 6 hours of hard work, and getting the job i wanted done, finished. Right on. After 7 hours i smoked a joint, and the day was a good one. This stuff has changed my life.
Interesting!! I didnt know you could vape it!
I'm going to try this:

Put the marijuana into the sterile canning. Add alcohol until it covers marijuana by at least one quarter inch. Place lid on the jar, and shake vigorously. If the plant matter absorbs the alcohol and increases in size, add more alcohol.

Place the jar (still tightly closed) in a dark location for 10-14 days. At least once per day, shake it up vigorously.

After 10-14 days, strain the mixture through the cheesecloth, and pour it into the second sterile canning jar. Mix in three parts of your 100% USP-food grade vegetable glycerin. Put the lid on, and shake vigorously for a minimum of two minutes.

Adding flavor to your vape juice
The key to safely adding your preferred flavor to the homemade vape juice is to never use artificial coloring. It will likely change color anyway, because of the natural plant coloring, so just leave it as is so that you will not be inhaling any dangerous chemicals.

You should also avoid any store bought flavorings because they also will contain harmful chemicals — including non-food grade propylene glycol, which you just spent so much effort keeping out of your mixture. Don’t ruin it now by adding these harmful ingredients. One big health risk of inhaling oils that have been improperly cured and vaporized is lipid pneumonia, so be very careful.

Some people prefer to use essential oils for their flavorings while others go for the tincture blending route. For this recipe, we will just discuss the method for mixing together different tinctures in order to create the desired flavor.

One way you could mix tinctures for flavoring is to use:

3 parts tincture of Cannabis, and 1 part tincture of wild blackberry;

3 parts tincture of Cannabis, and 1 part tincture of chocolate mint;

3 parts tincture of Cannabis, and 1 part tincture of garlic;

3 parts tincture of Cannabis, with 1 part tincture of tobacco; or

3 parts tincture of Cannabis, with 1 part tincture of just about anything.

The flavoring depends solely on your personal preferences. In general, when using a vape pen, you will only need about half as much as you would take when using tinctures sublingually. A common dosage for under the tongue is between 3 and 5 milliliters of juice.

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I'm trying to find the easiest way of making vape oil from trimmings without using alchol if anyone has any ideas. A.A means any alchol for me is a huge risk.

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You can do the same process with VG instead of alcohol it is just not quite as effecient. If you reduce down following the green dragon recipe to reduce alcohol then add your vg, you can heat again to remove all the alcohol.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
I'm trying to find the easiest way of making vape oil from trimmings without using alchol if anyone has any ideas. A.A means any alchol for me is a huge risk.

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you could try coconut oil? It won't extract as well as some alcohol, but it should work