I like very strong tinctures, and use the essence of 1 oz flower to fill a 1 fl oz tincture bottle:
(1) Decarb 1 oz herb @ 240 F for 40 minutes. Ardent Lift/Nova works well for this.
(2) Grind to fine powder for a medicinal tincture (break into pieces for a recreational tincture).
(3) Soak in 1 cup 190 proof everclear for hours, days, or weeks with frequent shaking (use freezer cold everything and fast rinses for a recreational tincture).
I soak for 2 days at room temp on a continuously running stirrer hot plate. Magical Butter Machine is also good for this.
(4) Let the sediment settle (about 30 min or so), then filter thru coffee filters. Graduated cylinders are excellent for doing this.
(5) Add 1/2 cup more alcohol to the remaining sludge, shake vigorously, let settle, and strain into the previously strained liquid.
(6) Repeat step (5) with 1/4 cup alcohol. This 3rd soak should pick up almost all the medicine.
(7) Reduce the alcohol volume to 30 mL (careful boiling with good ventilation, or evaporation), and put into a tincture bottle. Green Oil Machine alcohol distiller clone from walmart works well for this.
All of the alcohol can be removed, and replaced with 30 mL of any oil to create an oil tincture. (easier said than done)
The strength for good 15% thc herb in a 1000 drop tincture bottle will be
Potency = (0.15)*(28,000 mg)/(1000 drop) = 4.2 mg/drop
A size 00 cap can hold about 30 drops of this, or about 120 mg thc.
I suspect without proof that alcohol tinctures are better absorbed sublingually, but burn like hell.
I like to make both oil and alcohol tinctures, but prefer oil.
There is no need for any infusion into anything else, and either alcohol or oil tincture is well absorbed by the body.