Old Reviews timer that doesn't suck?

120v sticky. I'm at the mercy of Walmart or likewise unless I order online.

A grower has to do what a grower has to do! timers are pretty much necessity now a days, best thing to prolly do is just go with the cheapo wal-mart brand gear; but in do time when u do come aqcross that great gear for let's say a good deal, then always buy 2! most online orders do ship pretty stealthy; remember that when u go into YOUR local store and start buying grow gear, people SEE what you are buying so they actually might catch wise to what u might be about rather than buying online and no-one see's you purchase ur gear. Plus when u deal with a big supplier such as ebay, theres more seller's; in which drive the prices down, which can/will entitle you to a very good deal... just saying. Ima b honest here, I use the cheap timers from let's say wal-mart; but i don't use them for running my EXPENSIVE gear, such as lights and inline fans. I use the cheapo's for lets say for shits n giggles, my humidifier, oscillating fans, stationary fans, a heater, and my personal favorite the radio! Do what u gotta do my Guy, may the grow B with U... Sticky Out
hey no problemo my guy; oh so glad that i could help you out! This intermatic D timer has some pretty sweet features too i might add. 5 years from now this set of gear shouldn't be obsolete technology, enjoy... Sticky Out