Mephisto Genetics Time to try mephistos genetics !!!

Day 16

Lefty (biitabs) is looking great and right (regular feeds) has been catching up however doesn't have quite the same healthy complexion as her sisters. Because of this she was given 3 ml formulex in 1l of water today and lefty was given straight water.

Also chem city blues has popped and been put in her home, 12l regular pot.

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Day 1 chem city blues
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Day 3 for chem city blues


Today my last white chem bean has been planted in her final resting place so we will call it day one
So today I had a bubbly blues bean germ in a root riot and planted it into its 15 l fabric pot. I could not resist running another lady with biotabs so this one has been potted with 3. We will call this day 1. Although this is not a direct comparison I have done a bubbly blues previously in same size pot using regular feed so I will make a mental comparison to the last one I grew out.