Mephisto Genetics Time to try mephistos genetics !!!

Day 20 chem city on the left
Day 15 white chem on the right

These girls are off to a very slow start due to the cold but hopefully once my new light comes i will be able to run 24/7 and hopefully get things moving.

Gave them both some nitrozyme today as they are both looking a little hungry.

Sorry for the overdue update but i have been struggling with temps until yesterday were i started with my new LEDs and added atube heater to the tent. I have also switched lights to 24hrs and ladies are finally on the move again !!

Its day 30 for the lady on the left, chem city blues (yes day 30 i know it was heavily stunted) and day 25 for the lady on the right, white chem.

So believe it or not this girl is now on day 57 but actually starting to move since i sorted out the environment shes in. She has been severely stunted but im sure she will still produce now shes started moving and same for her sister

Day 62

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How cold? They sure are frosty!
Same boat amigo, didn't keep track of days too hard, but we were running a main room flower crop with the new tent setup, the one tent with 2x 600w largely unaffected - the de hps on lower wattage initially and then even on 1000w setting wasn't enough to keep temps to a nice level.

First time I've seen plants purple up in veg. (Cmh tent)

Easily added around a month to the cycle time, if not longer.

Everything pulled through for the most part but it sure goes to show that environment is way more important than lighting alone.

Looks like you'll have a nice result either way

Same boat amigo, didn't keep track of days too hard, but we were running a main room flower crop with the new tent setup, the one tent with 2x 600w largely unaffected - the de hps on lower wattage initially and then even on 1000w setting wasn't enough to keep temps to a nice level.

First time I've seen plants purple up in veg. (Cmh tent)

Easily added around a month to the cycle time, if not longer.

Everything pulled through for the most part but it sure goes to show that environment is way more important than lighting alone.

Looks like you'll have a nice result either way


Absolutely right bro and iv found that it doesnt tend to hurt the end result much but only slows the process down. Iv even found that the lower temps actually encourage more frost .... excuse the pun :)
Yes, that's a little cool!