Glad i found Ya ...Looking Great Gotta love the Challenges !!!
Yes, grow challenges--:ama:. The DWC was a challenge only hours away from debacle--at times.
Swamp--this was my first male/female attempt. Laziness (and what I rationalize as being efficient!) is the over riding rational for the big pot.
I have to say sexing was easier than I expected. I looked for females and then eliminated the others. Seemed easier than looking for the males. So, I found verifiable females and the others were checked--no show = bye bye. About right 3 out of seven or eight seeds and one that stayed underground.
And now, I see why everyone is so attached to these Dragons. Aunty must have worked patiently over time to get them so stable genetically--with some surprise phenotypes.
Maybe, within a week or two you dragon masters can id the phenos.
Waira. So far I am very impressed with these ladies.
And you are right budding is increasing over night. I like a lot.
That twin leaf is spreading its wings--as if to say "welcome" to my abode. Indeed, the petioles are communicating.
Think I will check for the lower stem and see if clean up is in order. Yes, probably need to do a little LST here and there.
Once those roots really get rolling around the post--I agree they are going to be hungry critters.
For max med. benefits, particularly sleep, most all ascribe to---go amber. Looking forward to trying--finally--after being here for a good amount of time.
What is the Frost cross. Great name.
Oh ya--Sniper is a an expert---licensed Dragon tamer. One after another after another!