I think I fim'd the one shoot, I may have 4 on the one side Hohohoh babyLooking good Mo,, I haven't tried mainlining yet. I'll hang out and watch
Double digits baby!!!! Thanks buds, well Whitney was a free spirit kinda bitch, bh2 is gettin cut like Peruvian and td is training like Schwarzenegger... Had to do some diff. Things ... Let people know what's up... All on basicly no nute programs either.. Whitney didn't get shit until the tragedy ... Overall cost .. $ 1.25 lol and some time but we burn that all day anywayWhat's up @mohawk warrior !! I have no clue on adding the vote thing but I am always interested in other people's training styles .. The ML looks good,it will take off on you again and be ready for the last cut( unless your going 16 colas) the blue box is awesome,that's gonna be a monster scrog !!! Peace bro!!