Update Day 42
Busy days so I kinda forgot to post some interesting updates - but here it is!
I took my time to take some single shots of each plant so the time is worth its wait.
They each got around 2l of water with AlgaMic, SuperVit, RootJuice and TopMax every 4days. Increased it today to 3l to make them moist everywhere again.
I dont see any reason for adding nutrients yet, so I'll stick with those for the above for now. Thinking about adding some blackstrap molasses or Guanakalong taste improver next time for yummy buds.
And I might remove some of those bigger leafes soon because they block light for my sweet buds - however I dont really know if that's good for autoflowering so if anyone could tell me :>.
But take a look for yourself!
Before shots
After shots with new positions of each plant - trying to rotate from time to time so each gets better or worse positions because middle lane gets the most light with that tent plus light combo.
Daiquiri Lime
Think Different
I placed her way further below earth by mistake thats why she is so low. Maybe i will put her pot higher for more light. Lets see if she might catch up to the others
Critical Orange Punch
Might also take her a little bit higher.
Black Berry Kush
They seem to enjoy their treatment. Cant wait for the next few weeks when buds will get bigger
Tell me what you think about them so far - really appreciate any tipps for autos I can get!