Hi Will, having just gone through the pains of growing my TD I can tell you that something is not right with your girls, they are very small and stunted....if they were mine I would rip em out and start again. @ 25 days they should be much much bigger and larger leaves etc. I disagree with the other comments here, they do not look good they look sick.
People need to stop blowing smoke up ppls arse when commenting and tell it like it is otherwise nobody would learn anything. I unfortunately have lost the pics of my Think Different but I have borrowed this pic from Seymour (I bet you have already looked yourself
it is at day 27, I myself was under a 250 watt hps in 20l of organic soil and my TD was exactly the same as Seymours at day 27...maybe a lil smaller but not much, and that was using water that was ph 7.2!!!! This was to be my downfall and at week 6 things started to go tits up. Lesson learnt...ph adjust your tap water
But it goes to show...even with a high ph from day one I still was able to replicate seymours grow size wise at day 27, this is why
I think there must be something major going on, Its your choice on what you do but if it were me I would cut my losses and start again...its only a month.
Somebody with more experience may say otherwise...hopefully the team from DP chime in and offer some advice.
Best of luck buddy and sorry to rain on your parade, I may be wrong...but going on seymours and my results Its not hard to see somethings up
Edit: Found a pic of my TD @ day 30, so only 5 days older...big difference right! Just re-emphasizes the fact that something is not right.