Grow Mediums Think Different, Hippie Headband, Blue Dream - DWC 250w HPS/240W LED

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I decided to do an update tonight with video and the lights off (minus the cfl's for background lighting.) Please note that I have not moved the lights once. Notice the explosive growth over the past two days from my last Think Different, compare it with the post above.
TD Day 42 53 Cm 21 in.jpg
The majority of the light love is going to the older Think Different's because they need it for flowering. When they finish I will have plenty of space for the others. I have a couple of cfl's now so that they can give a little extra light to the outer branches.

We are at day 42. Nutrient burn never got worse than the tips and her pH is looking good. I have a batch of 1300 ppm water that I am topping her off with daily. She is at 21 inches (53 cm) tall and growing steadily.
TD and WU on Day 42.jpgTD Day 42 Top.jpgTD Day 42.jpgTD Supplemental CFL.jpgOk. I
The runt has all of her big fan leaves tucked away and the shoots are growing nicely. I can't believe I almost killed her off two weeks ago, very resilient.
TD 2 Day 35.jpg
TD Seedling is doing nice as well. Upping the PPM on Saturday.
TD3 Day 11.jpg
Blue Dream, I don't remember what day, it doesn't matter because she will be a mother anyway. Looking nice and healthy
Blue Dream.jpg
Finally notice that the White Urkel clone from the dispensary is doing very nicely. Her stem is still purple so I think I may dose her again this weekend.
White Urkel.jpg
Here is a video:

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Here is a quick update: The biggest TD is looking great, day 48. A big bitch. 25 inches tall and oh so fat. The runt TD is not flowering yet, still growing. I sat on my seedling and broke her almost in two :( Taped up and fingers crossed.

Blue Dream, Bueno. White Urkel. Slowly Growing.

A group shot.
Day 54
GROOM DAY 54.jpg

I am really only keeping age on the biggest think different now. The other one was so stunted at growth that you cannot judge her timeline based on age. Once she begins to flower I will start keeping track of her again.

The oldest is about 28 inches tall. She is a flowering beast, i'd say we are at the beginning of week 3/end of week 2 and she is already showing a little frost. The second think different is needing space to spread out but the oldest will not allow it.

I began to LST my White Urkel clone after taking two clones from her. I also have two headband seedlings going, as well as four Skunkberry seeds in rockwool.

TD 1 Day 54.jpgTD1 Day 54 sideshoot.jpgTD1 Day 54 Top.jpgTD 1 Day 54 2.jpg
The next one is of the second think different. 18 inches tall and more stretched out than the other. She needs space.
Here is the Blue Dream. 13 inches tall, also starved for space, and probably light.
Blue Dream - Top.jpg
White Urkel - Week one of LST
WU LST TOP.jpgWU LST Start.jpg
Headband seedlings.
Headband seedlings.jpg
Day 63

Whats up guys? Just a quick update. I accidentally let the top of the oldest growth about 3 inches away from the led and she definitely got a little bleaching on the very top.

I did some pruning of lower leaves and whispy shoots. She should start to focus that energy on fattening up in the next few weeks.
Room Setup Day 63.jpgIMG_1725.jpgDay 62 Top.jpgIMG_1737.jpgA side shoot, day 63.jpgBLue Dream Week 5.jpg
I was concerned that her buds were not fattening up and so I now have her under both LED and HPS, cant go wrong. The runt is no longer a runt. She is JUST now starting to flower and she is 27 inches tall, and just as fat as her older sister.

The blue dream looks good, almost 20 inches tall. I can't complain about her size because she has just been receiving minimal lighting. The Wurkel clone is ok, no pics of her. I also have two hippie headband seedlings that are light starved, as well as one skunkberry seedling.

We still have got a ways to go with this one.



  • Pruned Day 60.jpg
    Pruned Day 60.jpg
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Day 69

Today is day 69 for the old one. Getting fatter.

I did some defoliating because she needed it, after 3 or 4 more days I will do a little more, and a little more. Controversial, I know. Triches are all clear still, im still betting on 85-90 days.

The younger think different is going to be a beast when she finally starts to bud. She has surpassed the older one in height, and her top cola is tied down even with the canopy. I feel like we are in week 1 of flowering with her.

All pics are from this morning, you can see her sister in the background of one of the photos, but for the most part all of the focus is on the flowering beauty.



WOW! Just wow. Amazing job so far. Looks to be some killer stuff. I sure wish I could run to a dispensary and pick up a clone.. How much do they charge for a clone anyways?
WOW! Just wow. Amazing job so far. Looks to be some killer stuff. I sure wish I could run to a dispensary and pick up a clone.. How much do they charge for a clone anyways?

Thanks :) Clones are between 5 and 10 dollars, depending on where you go. The white urkel clone that I picked up is still alive, but receiving minimal light until these massive auto's finish.

Big Grow Room Day 75.jpgTD Day 76.jpgThink Different Week 1 Flowering.jpgTD Day 74.jpgTD DAy 76 (2).jpgIMG_1887.jpgTD Day 74 2.jpgBlue Dream Clones and Heabband Seedlings.jpgMother and Babies.jpgPowder Mold.jpgIt is day 76 for the oldest one, which used to be the biggest one. I noticed powder mold forming on the leaves about 5 days ago and I have stripped away what I could see, and sprayed the leaves with pH 8+ water to stop growth. I am cutting her down in 10 days because I fear that it may eventually spread to buds.

The "runt" is three feet tall (would be taller if I hadn't tied her top back.) She is in week 1 of flowering and as long as she doesn't get heavily impacted by the powder mold she will be a beast of a producer. I purchased a mother/clone tent in order to give my girls the proper space that they need, and to get my perpetual harvest up and running.
The mother tent contains my newly mothered and chopped back Blue Dream, and 5 of her babies. (didn't I mention that I bought a new tent? :) ) There is the LSTed White Urkel, a Skunkberry seedling, and three headband seedlings. I am happy to say that they are finally all receiving the light that they deserve.