Grow Mediums Think Different, Hippie Headband, Blue Dream - DWC 250w HPS/240W LED

  • Thread starter Thread starter peaceloveandbud
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looking good :peace:lovenbudz ... :smokebuds:
Day 22

What's up AFN?

My girl turned 22 days old today and is still looking good. All growth is green, pH is at 5.6 and ppm is at 700. Height is around 6 inches. My only concern at this point is that her first few sets of nodes are so tight that that it is taking a little longer for the branching to "make their way out to the light." I snipped two bottom fan leaves that were diseased in hopes of getting a little more light to the new growth.
TD Day 22 LED shot, new growth.jpgTD Day22 jungleshot.jpgTD Day 22.jpg

My 2nd think different is doing well, I upped her ppm to 450 yesterday.
TD Day 14.jpg

My Blue Dream seems to be a fast developer with a nice root system and second set of leaves forming. She is 5 days old.
BD Day 5.jpg

My headband is doing well also, I had to destroy her sister but I assumed that would be the case. I am down to four plants now so I think that I may pick up two clones from the dispensary later in the week.
Day 4 hB.jpg
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:pop::thumbs:looking good mate ... happy days:peace:
Day 24

How's it growin'?
GROOM Day 24.jpg
It is day 24 for my oldest Think Different. I raised the lights yesterday in order to promote vertical growth. Right now she is just a bushy, compact monster. I have counted around 10 shoots thus far that are trying to make their way past the fan leaves, for this reason she is back under the MH for at least a week.
TD Day 24.jpgSide shoot.jpgTD Day 24 dark.jpg
The younger Think Different is under the L.E.D for the time being. I noticed that her new growth is yellow, as well as the 2nd newest set of leaves are also yellowing. Is it possible that she could be hungry? I just fed her three days ago.
TD 2 Day 16 2.jpgTD2 Day 16.jpg
I am curious to see which pheno the younger will end up being.

My blue dream is 8 days old and looking good. I am not concerned about how fast or slow she develops as long as she remains healthy. She will have to be vegged for at least 7 weeks before flowering due to the Auto's needing to finish.
BD Day 8.jpg

The headband is hanging in there, slow root development means slow growth for now, as with the Blue Dream, it'll be vegged for a long time also.

Peace. :peace:
Sick Plant

My youngest Think Different is looking ill. I am thinking MG def or zinc. I posted a picture in the sick plants section but have gotten no replies. I have epsom salts if yall agree that she is MG Def.


Day 26 for my oldest Think Different.
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PPM is at 750 and the ph is at 5.8. I have been tucking back fan leaves for the past few days in order for the new shoots to have good access to light, and it seems to be working. The shoots are looking nice and will soon start to make their way toward the sky.
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My poor runt that is on day 19(I didn't think she would make it this far) Her ppm was supposed to be sitting around 500, but I checked it this morning and noticed that she was at 750! I changed her res, added two tsp of epsom salts, as well as dosed her to 500 ppm. Cross your fingers that she recovers. I actually have another germinating now just in case she decides to die.
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My Blue Dream is looking great. No problems at all, ppm is sitting at 250. Nice growth, no yellowing. Humboldt Seeds isn't letting me down so far.
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The Headband has had some stalled growth while the roots try to find water. Her ppm is at 250.
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My account was deleted :/
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Today is day 29 for my oldest Think Different. She looks great, drinking like a fish and growing nicely. Her height is nearly 10 inches. I have continued to tuck fan leaves so that new growth can acquire light. I tried my best to fluff them up for the pics.
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My runt Think Different has two supplemental CFL's now and she is happy. MG Def. all cleared up and back on track. Finally getting some vertical growth with her. I have one Think Different that has germinated and is waiting to poke her head up through the rock wool.
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The HSO Blue Dream is still doing amazing. No yellowing, taking nutrients well and noticeable daily growth.
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The HSO Hippie Headband is not a fast grower. I think this was due to the root system taking so long to develop.
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Happy December everybody.

As it turns out, my 4 x 8 grow tent DOES fit perfectly in my closet (I didn't think it would or else I would've been using it the whole time)
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Anyway, they are all moved and settled, and we have a new addition to the room. Let's get started:

My oldest TD is on Day 31. Everything is going great with her and she is continuing to grow. I hope she goes at least another 9 days before kicking over into flowering.
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My Middle TD (The runt) is on day 25. She has picked up growth and I am very curious to see what she will end up doing, def. not expecting a high yield from her. I am just happy that she has made it this far.
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I youngest TD is 2 days old today. Nothing to report here.

The HSO Blue Dream is doing amazing still. Great growth.
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My HSO Hippie Headband is finally growing as well!
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Finally, I purchased a White Urkle Clone from the dispensary yesterday. I rinsed her from the soil and stuck her in the h20 for some real growing :) I will flower her out with the rest of my photo period plants in about 8 weeks.
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Peace guys.
Looking great PeaceandLove. I have been wanting to try White Urkle is it something like purple Urkle I have never tried either but have heard a lot abut them.